Who are at risk of becoming victims and who are the perpetrators of human trafficking? What do police, justice and social workers in the The Hague region do to tackle this problem and help victims? Come to the probing exhibition Together against Human Trafficking in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague between October 9 and October 20 and hear and see which signs can indicate human trafficking and how you can act on it yourself.
The exhibition is an initiative of GGD Haaglanden and is part of the Hague Week against Human Trafficking.
For the program of The Hague Week Against Human Trafficking, go to www.denhaag.nl/weektegenmensenhandel.
Listen to the podcast series Together against Human Trafficking via www.mensenhandelhaaglanden.nl.
Application form
Thank you for your interest in organising your activity in the Atrium!Click on the below Application Form button and enter your request.You will receive an answer within a fortnight.
Application form