Where can I find the general and technical conditions?

The general and technical conditions are at the bottom of this website on each page.

What is the maximum period for exhibitions in the Atrium?

Exhibitions can only be set up in the Atrium for a maximum period of four weeks, including building up and breaking down. For setting up an exhibition, Atrium City Hall will take into account the planning and options of the Atrium and seek the required space and size of the exhibition. The Atrium is divided into 3 parts for exhibitions, the A-part (frontside 250M2) – B-part (middle 500M2) & C-part (backside 200M2). There is no difference in rental costs per part. In consultation with Atrium City Hall, the various options will be discussed with you and we will determine which period and part best suit your exhibition, so that you can get the most out of your exhibition. Atrium City Hall always determines which part of the Atrium is most suitable for the exhibition in the Atrium. Atrium City Hall has no storage room and therefore has no exhibition material at its disposal. This allows you to organize your exhibition entirely in your own way.

What is taken into account when submitting an application?

You must inform Atrium City Hall prior to the agreement about the content of the exhibition and/or event (as of now described as ‘activity’) as well as the involved person(s) and organization(s). Atrium City Hall will then judge the activity, based on:

  • Terms of content, quality, planning and physical possibilities and if the activity fits within the programming of Atrium;
  • If the activity contributes to the wide, diverse and fascinating programming of the Atrium;
  • The activity can be rejected if it is political, activist or has a strong religious character;
  • Based on the information provided by the applicant, Atrium City Hall determines which part of the Atrium is most suitable for the activity to be held in the Atrium and
  • If the activity fits within the policy of Atrium City Hall and the Municipality of The Hague.
Is an exhibition insured?

The Municipality of The Hague, Risk Management department has an art and antiques insurance policy with insurer AON for goods/objects that are located inside the Atrium. The minimum amount insured is Euro 75.000 per exhibition. This can be increased by Atrium City Hall on request and at additional cost. The own risk of the insurance is Euro 250. The general terms and conditions of this insurance can be requested from Atrium City Hall. An insurance for goods transported to the City Hall, must be requested by the organization itself from an insurer.

What happens after I have submitted my application?

After consulting with the employees of Atrium City Hall about the activity, you will receive an offer which is the agreement. Only after we have received this signed offer, the option for the activity is placed in the planner. The organization mentioned on the offer must always be registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. After receiving the signed offer within 30 days, or before the date which is mentioned in the offer, the option will be booked into a reservation. If the reservation is canceled within two (2) months prior to the starting date, 50% of the rental costs will be charged. Foundation Atrium can also cancel your option before this date. If the reservation is canceled within one (1) month prior to the starting date, 100% of the rental costs will be charged. Prior to your activity you will receive an invoice for the use of the Atrium of the City Hall of The Hague, which must be paid before the start of the activity. Atrium City Hall will decide after your activity has taken place, if an extra invoice is required for any additional (rental) costs.

Where can I find a map of the Atrium?

Only after approval of the activity, a floor plan of the Atrium can be sent.

My application has been approved, what now?

For additional facilities and agreements about building up and dismantling, please contact the Events Team of the Municipality of The Hague by email via evenementen.dbv@denhaag.nl. Security, first aid and cleaning costs are obliged to take via the Municipality of The Hague. Depending on the size of the activity, Team Events will determine if one or more of these facilities of the Municipality of The Hague must be necessary, all tailored to your wishes and their demands. These additional costs that are associated with the activity, are directly offered to you by the Municipality of The Hague. For all facilities that are not required to be taken through the municipality of The Hague, you can choose to keep the production in your own hands.

Publicity for my activity by Atrium City Hall?

Atrium City Hall always publishes about the public activities to be held in the Atrium in Dutch and English. Atrium City Hall will receive a Dutch and an English text with photos (horizontal & minimum 300 DPI) digitally supplied at least two months prior the start of the activity. The content will be posted on the Dutch and English website www.atriumcityhall.nl. The Facebook page www.facebook.com/atriumdenhaag and Instagram page www.instagram.com/atriumdenhaag will also be used. Messages will be posted about the activity on these pages. When mentioning the activity on all social media channels, please refer to/tag @atriumdenhaag as the location.

Atrium City Hall has an account on www.denhaag.com, www.museumtijdschrift.nl, www.dagjeweg.nl, www.uitzinnig.nl and www.digitalemuurkrant.nl. Text can be placed before the activity, according to the terms and conditions of these websites. It is up to the administrators of the TV screens of the Digitale Muurkrant outside the City Hall to place the content, Atrium City Hall has no influence on this. All activities are also sent to the local newspaper www.denhaagcentraal.net. It is up to the editors whether the activity is placed in their cultural agenda, Atrium City Hall has no influence on this. In consultation, a press release can be sent to the more than 300 media contacts of Atrium City Hall about the activity. If the applicant publicizes the activity in the Atrium, always state Atrium Den Haag as the location name and Atrium City Hall as the organization name in all communications. If desired, Atrium City Hall can make its logo available to use for publicity material and/or to use during your activity in the Atrium.

When can I build up and break down an activity?

The City Hall is a public space and has regular opening hours when it is open to the public:

  • Monday-Wednesday & Friday: 7.00 – 19.00 hours
  • Thursday: 7.00 – 21.30 hours
  • Saturday: 9.30 – 17.00 hours
  • Sunday & Public holidays: closed

The times to hold an activity and when it can be built up and/or dismantled are:

  • Monday-Wednesday & Friday between 07.00-08.30 hours & between 16.30-04.00 hours
  • Thursday between 07.00-08.30 hours & between 20.30-04.00 hours
  • Saturday & Sunday between 07.00-04.00 hours
  • Public holidays variable times in consultation

These times can only be adjusted if a written approval has been given by Atrium City Hall and Team Events of the Municipality of The Hague. After the regular opening hours of the Atrium for visitors, security is mandatory.

Foto Joop van Nimwegen

Application form

Thank you for your interest in organising your activity in the Atrium!Click on the below Application Form button and enter your request.You will receive an answer within a fortnight.

Application form