The Pawnshop (Pandhuis) in The Hague celebrates its 350th anniversary in 2023. It is the oldest institution that contributes to poverty reduction. To honor the 350th anniversary of the Pandhuis, the municipality of The Hague is organizing the exhibition 350 years Pandhuis, which can be seen from August 17 to September 8 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague.
The Pandhuis was founded in 1673 by the municipality of The Hague to put a stop to commercial borrowers who demanded exorbitant interest rates. Since its establishment, many citizens have been helped by the services of the Pandhuis.

This exhibition shows how the Pandhuis has remained relevant all these years. The exhibition also features special and personal stories that the Pandhuis has collected over the past 350 years. Such as residents of The Hague who handed in their Sunday suit on Monday for some cash, to pick it up again on Friday, when they received their wages.
For more information about the Pandhuis, go to the website of the municipality of The Hague (Dutch only).

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