Archaeological finds are of great value to our knowledge of the past. Through these finds we can get a better picture of how people used to live, what they ate and what activities they performed. They are literally tangible evidence of our past.

Not only is it important to find these objects, but preserving them is just as important. The finds of pottery, metal, glass, bone, wood and leather often come from the soil damaged or incomplete. The restoration and conservation of these finds is therefore of crucial importance. When these materials are not treated, important historical artifacts are lost.

After more than 30 years, the Archeology Department of the municipality of The Hague says goodbye to restorer Johan van der Helm. He set up and expanded the department’s restoration workshop. The objects that you can see in this exhibition until August 11 in the Atrium of the City Hall have all passed through his hands. Thanks to him, all residents of The Hague can continue to enjoy the best archaeological finds in The Hague forever.

More information can be found at