This exposition which can be seen from February 6 until February 23 in the Atrium of the City Hall, presents stories of Most Significant Change of the 3FM Serious Request Programme in Zambia and Central African Republic (CAR). Showcased are 12 out of the 160 collected stories for the meta evaluation of the 3FM programme conducted by the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (PMEAL) team of the Netherlands Red Cross. The final (interactive) report will be published by the end of January 2024.

The 3FM Programme
The Netherlands Red Cross, together with the Dutch radio station NPO 3FM undertook an annual fundraising campaign known as 3FM Serious Request from 2004 – 2020. Each year, this campaign tackled a specific theme, often shedding light on ‘silent’ crises that required urgent attention. 3FM Serious Request raised a remarkable total of 102.695.033 euros. The impact of these funds can be seen across 52 countries and 9 regions, with over 155 projects. In total more than 10,880,716 people were reached.

This exposition presents 12 stories of two 3FM projects— “Next Generation project” in CAR and the  ‘Reducing child mortality through diarrhea reduction project’ in Zambia—offering an understanding of the impact of the 3FM programmes on people’s lives. The stories were acquired in a meta-evaluation utilizing the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique. The evaluation is currently still ongoing. Upon its completion, the results will be published online.

‘This Next Generation project’ in the CAR (2017-2019)
Learn about the 3FM Next Generation project in CAR, spanning from March 2017 to August 2019. The project aimed at making young people who have to cope with conflict and that are part of ‘this next generation’ more resilient to the consequences of conflict. Young people in Bangui were supported with Income Generating Activities, education, first aid, vocational and social cohesion training. Discover in this exhibition how these activities impacted people’s lives.

‘Reducing child mortality through diarrhea reduction project’ in Zambia (2014-2017)
Explore the change made in challenges related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Zambia through the Diarrhoea Reduction Project, which ran from January 2014 to March 2017. The aim of the project was to reduce child mortality due to diarrhoea, through building community resilience in Zambia’s Western province. In Zambia, diarrhoea diseases were a major concern, particularly among children under five, constituting 16% of mortality in this age group, intensified by limited access to safe water and proper sanitation facilities. Find out more about the impact of the project activities on the affected population by reading their personal stories of change in the Atrium City Hall.

This is Red Cross Netherlands
Helping people in need. That is what the Red Cross stands for. Close, if you have blisters during the Four Days Marches in Nijmegen. If you have to leave your house due to a gas leak, or if you have stood in glass at a festival. But also far away. When people have to flee violence, or when their house is swept away by a mudslide.

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