Every year, the Welstands- en Monumentencommissie (Welfare- and Monuments Commission), in cooperation with the Department for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Buildings, presents its work through an annual report. The report introduces the sitting committee members, explains how they work and which plans have been reviewed. This year’s report focuses on the ‘City in Densification’, of which the results can be seen until August 26 in the Poster Wall of Hague Municipal Archives in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague.
As in most Dutch cities, the issue of densification is also at play in The Hague. What starts with a political choice based on numbers and prognoses about the extra housing/living space needed in the city, takes shape in the physical environment in which people live and stay every day.
The larger and more complex plans submitted to the committee match The Hague’s ambitions as the third largest city in the Netherlands. They show the dynamics of a city in progress with densification as a key theme. This also applies to the rooftop building issue.
The Welstands- en Monumentencommissie plays a significant part in these developments. Its task is to ensure that these themes fit within the rich historical context of the existing city.
Unconsidered densification can seriously compromise the quality of the urban environment, but applied with knowledge and vision, densification also offers wonderful opportunities.
‘City in Densification’ gives an overview of the various densification plans that have been dealt with by the Welstands- en Monumentencommissie in the past period.
On Friday 23 June, the Symposium ‘Rooftop Building. Curse or Blessing’ will take place in the City Hall in The Hague. Register via: this website.
Design Credits Annual Report:
Photo credits & Cut-out Front Annual Report: Ilse van Marrewijk
Melkwegstraat 8 Mei Architects and Planners
Vliegwielstraat 50 & Keizerstraat 27: Studioschaeffer Architecten
For more information about the Welstands- en Monumentencommissie, go to www.denhaag.nl.
For more information about Monumentenzorg, go to www.monumentenzorgdenhaag.nl.

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