International Yoga Day 2024

International Yoga Day 2022

On Saturday June 1, 2024, the International Yoga Day will return to the Atrium of the City Hall of The Hague. This day is organized by the Embassy of India and is freely accessible for everyone after registration.

Entrance between 10:00 and 10:45 hours
Yoga session from 11:00 until 12:00 hours

There is a yoga mat for everyone. You must bring your own comfortable clothing.

The entrance is free, after registration via Eventix.

For more information, go to the website of the Embassy of India.

International Yoga Day 2024

Posterwand Haags Gemeentearchief: Tentoonstelling Het Aloysius College 1917 – 2016

Hoe mijn School Verdween

De tentoonstelling Aloysius College toont de opkomst en ondergang van een school voor bijzonder onderwijs.

De tentoonstelling ‘Het Aloysius College 1917 – 2016’ vertelt het verhaal van het eerste Rooms-Katholieke lyceum in Den Haag. Een speciale werkgroep, bestaande uit oud-leerlingen John van Dijk en Caspar Wintermans en oud-leraar Ino Mulders, stelde de tentoonstelling samen uit archiefmateriaal van het Haags Gemeentearchief. De tentoonstelling is van 8 april t/m 8 juni te bezoeken in het Atrium Den Haag.

Het Aloysius College was het eerste door jezuïeten opgerichte instituut voor voortgezet onderwijs in Den Haag. De school, gelegen aan de Oostduinlaan in het Benoordenhout, gaf bijna 100 jaar vorm en inhoud aan het onderwijs in onze stad en omstreken.

Wat speelde zich gedurende dit lange bestaan allemaal af achter de muren van dit monumentale pand? En waarom ging de school in 2016 – één jaar voordat het eeuwfeest zou worden gevierd – ten onder?

Op zoek naar antwoorden in het archief
Oud-leerlingen John van Dijk en Caspar Wintermans en oud-leraar Ino Mulders gingen op zoek naar antwoorden op deze vragen. Zij doken in het archief van het Aloysius College, dat na de sluiting van de school in 2016 geschonken is aan het Haags Gemeentearchief. Het resultaat is de tentoonstelling ‘‘Het Aloysius College 1917 – 2016”, waarin de bezoeker aan de hand van fraai beeldmateriaal en sprekende teksten wordt meegenomen door 99 jaren van bezielde inzet, onderbroken door vijf oorlogsjaren.

Van Rooms-Katholieke jongensschool naar brede scholengemeenschap
Het is het verhaal van een Rooms-Katholieke jongensschool die met zijn tijd meeging. Van heimelijke contacten met de andere sekse tijdens de oorlogsjaren, tot de toelating van meisjes vanaf 1971.

De gevolgen van de Mammoetwet in 1968 en de wens om een brede scholengemeenschap te zijn én te blijven komen breed aan bod. Zo veranderde het Aloysius van een hbs en gymnasium in een scholengemeenschap voor havo, atheneum en gymnasium, om later te fuseren met de mavo ‘Cordi Sacratissimo’ aan de Cornelis Jolstraat. In de twintigste eeuw krijgt de school negatieve pers, wat niet zonder gevolgen blijft. In 2016 sluit het Aloysius haar deuren, maar de herinneringen aan de school blijven bestaan.

“Het AC was een leerschool voor het leven, een plaats waar je je capaciteiten en tekortkomingen ontdekte. Ik heb daar dierbare vriendschappen gesloten en bewonderde de onbaatzuchtige jezuïeten die er doceerden.”
Bernard Bot, voormalig Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken en oud-leerling Aloysius College, (eindexamen 1956)

“Zonder de aanwezigheid van het AC in mijn leven zou ik waarschijnlijk niet zijn wie ik nu ben (en zonder mijn aanwezigheid op het AC zou het waarschijnlijk nu nog bestaan).”
Sjaak Bral, cabaretier (eindexamen 1981)

Documentaire Filmhuis
Het initiatief voor de tentoonstelling is genomen door regisseur en oud-leerling Remy Vlek die de documentairefilm ‘Hoe mijn school verdween’ maakte. Deze documentaire wordt op woensdag 10 april om 15 uur vertoond in het Filmhuis Den Haag. Zie ook: “Hoe mijn School Verdween”.

Voor meer informatie, ga naar

Knowledge Region by the Sea: Welcome to the Year 2070

Tentoonstelling Kennisregio aan Zee in het Stanislas College Delft in 2023

The exhibition Knowledge Region by the Sea: Welcome to the Year 2070 is on display from April 8 to 12 in the Atrium of the City Hall.

In collaboration with Wageningen University and Research (WUR), the Kennisregio aan Zee which consist of the municipalities The Hague, Leiden, Delft en Zoetermeer and other partners, such as Museon-Omniversum have developed a traveling exhibition on the future of our region. How do we deal with rising sea levels and the changing climate in this region? What will it look like here in half a century? The panels show the challenges we face and the natural solutions we can opt for. With which we can create a greener and more sustainable living environment that works for both people and nature.

WUR 2021

For more information, go to (Dutch only)

Photo Exhibition 1964-2024: years of Turks in the Netherland

Gastarbeiders bij Uitzendbureau. Jaartal en Fotograaf onbekend.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Netherlands experienced a significant shortage of labor. After initially attracting guest workers from countries such as Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, and Greece, a wave of workers from Turkey began in the early 1960s. On August 19, 1964, the Netherlands and Turkey signed a labor contract to recruit workers. During the 1960s, for example, they worked at the Philips factory, Ford factory, Thomassen & Drijver, shipbuilding industry, and Fokker factory in The Hague. Without them, the Dutch economy would never have become as strong as it is today.  

Initiator, Sahin Yildirim: “Without the Turkish guest workers, the Dutch economy would never have become as strong as it is today.” 

The great cultural diversity of the contemporary Netherlands is historically rooted. The identity and urban culture of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and The Hague are closely intertwined with their labor history. This is reflected in how people live, family life, language use, and socio-cultural diversity. Atlas Cultural Center aims to organize various activities in The Hague in the context of 60 years of Turkish labor migration, thereby providing equal opportunities to residents, keeping the city in development, and creating support to bring different groups together, promote dialogue, and foster new encounters. 

1963 Ali Dag in a Ford Factory. Photographer unknown.

Atlas Cultural Center in The Hague aims to establish various activities surrounding 60 years of Turkish labor migration in the Netherlands

  • Photo exhibition in the Atrium City Hall from October 23 to November 18, 2024 (traveling)
  • Book ’60 years, 60 stories’ 
  • Educational programs 
  • Lectures and dialogue sessions 
  • Literary evenings 
  • Workshops 
  • Music concert
  • Theatrical performance 

The book 60 years, 60 stories
To make this unique project a success, Atlas Cultural Centre will publish the book 60 years, 60 stories. You can help them with this. Every order brings them closer to realizing this project. After the book presentation on October 23, 2024 (location t.b.d.) every buyer of the book will receive a signed copy of the book.

Atlas Cultureel Centrum (Atlas Cultural Centre)
In 2013, a group of residents of The Hague took the initiative to make the history of the first guest workers known to a wide audience. Their motivation was as simple as it was important: Those who do not honor their past lose the future, and those who destroy their roots can no longer grow.

Atlas Cultural Center was officially founded in 2014 to preserve, preserve and transfer the knowledge, experiences, successes and failures of these migrants (Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Turks and Moroccans) to the new generation.

For more information and to buy the book, go to (Dutch only)

The Netherlands Red Cross – Serious Request: Discover 12 Stories about Change

Rode Kruis: Serious Request 2015

This exposition which can be seen from February 6 until February 23 in the Atrium of the City Hall, presents stories of Most Significant Change of the 3FM Serious Request Programme in Zambia and Central African Republic (CAR). Showcased are 12 out of the 160 collected stories for the meta evaluation of the 3FM programme conducted by the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (PMEAL) team of the Netherlands Red Cross. The final (interactive) report will be published by the end of January 2024.

The 3FM Programme
The Netherlands Red Cross, together with the Dutch radio station NPO 3FM undertook an annual fundraising campaign known as 3FM Serious Request from 2004 – 2020. Each year, this campaign tackled a specific theme, often shedding light on ‘silent’ crises that required urgent attention. 3FM Serious Request raised a remarkable total of 102.695.033 euros. The impact of these funds can be seen across 52 countries and 9 regions, with over 155 projects. In total more than 10,880,716 people were reached.

This exposition presents 12 stories of two 3FM projects— “Next Generation project” in CAR and the  ‘Reducing child mortality through diarrhea reduction project’ in Zambia—offering an understanding of the impact of the 3FM programmes on people’s lives. The stories were acquired in a meta-evaluation utilizing the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique. The evaluation is currently still ongoing. Upon its completion, the results will be published online.

‘This Next Generation project’ in the CAR (2017-2019)
Learn about the 3FM Next Generation project in CAR, spanning from March 2017 to August 2019. The project aimed at making young people who have to cope with conflict and that are part of ‘this next generation’ more resilient to the consequences of conflict. Young people in Bangui were supported with Income Generating Activities, education, first aid, vocational and social cohesion training. Discover in this exhibition how these activities impacted people’s lives.

‘Reducing child mortality through diarrhea reduction project’ in Zambia (2014-2017)
Explore the change made in challenges related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Zambia through the Diarrhoea Reduction Project, which ran from January 2014 to March 2017. The aim of the project was to reduce child mortality due to diarrhoea, through building community resilience in Zambia’s Western province. In Zambia, diarrhoea diseases were a major concern, particularly among children under five, constituting 16% of mortality in this age group, intensified by limited access to safe water and proper sanitation facilities. Find out more about the impact of the project activities on the affected population by reading their personal stories of change in the Atrium City Hall.

This is Red Cross Netherlands
Helping people in need. That is what the Red Cross stands for. Close, if you have blisters during the Four Days Marches in Nijmegen. If you have to leave your house due to a gas leak, or if you have stood in glass at a festival. But also far away. When people have to flee violence, or when their house is swept away by a mudslide.

Curious about what you can do to contribute? Go to

Chinese New Year Celebrations 2024: Year of the Dragon

Chinees Nieuwjaar Viering - Foto Richard Mulder Fotografie

The cheerful celebration of the National Chinese New Year will be organized again as before in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague and in Chinatown in The Hague on February 24, 2024. All activities are free of access.

Long tradition
The Chinese New Year in The Hague has a long tradition. In 2002, the municipality of The Hague signed an agreement with the Chinese community, the LFCON and the embassy stating that the National Chinese New Year Celebration (CNY) would be held in The Hague from that year onwards. The New Year festivities take place in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague and in the Chinatown The Hague, with street parades on the Plein and in the city center of The Hague.

The Chinese New Year celebration in The Hague is a special event. It distinguishes itself from the New Year’s celebrations in the other major cities due to its size, the program, and unique collaboration with the municipality of The Hague. It is characteristic that young and old, both internationally and nationally, including the residents of The Hague, actively participate. It provides The Hague with a unique platform in the Netherlands, in which mutual culture, knowledge exchange and common values ​​are the central focus.

Chinees Nieuwjaar Viering in het Atrium Den Haag

2024: Year of the Dragon
Every year, a new year begins at the end of January/beginning of February according to the Chinese calendar. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2024 is all about the Dragon. Unlike the Western zodiac signs, the Chinese zodiac is based on the year of birth rather than the month of birth.

For more information about the organisation, go to

Program Atrium City Hall (for all program details, see the flyers below the text)

  • 10AM Opening of the program in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague.
  • 10:30AM uur Parade with Chinese lion and dragon dances Chinatown & Spuiplein.
  • 11:45AM uur Official opening ceremony in the Atrium of the City Hall, speeches by the Mayor of The Hague, the Chinese Ambassador, the Chairman of the National Chinese New Year Celebration Committee 2024, delegations and key committee members.
  • 12PM until 2:30PM Presentation Festival of Spring, Cultures of China.
  • 2:30PM until 5PM Varied program with performances by local Chinese and Dutch artists.

For the program in China Town The Hague, go to

Overview exhibition Berlage Flag 2023

Berlagevlag 2023

On October 24th 2023, the Berlagevlag (Berlage Flag), the architecture prize for The Hague and surrounding areas, was awarded during a festive meeting in the Centrale Bibliotheek. De Berlagevlag is organized by Haags Architectuur Café (HaAC) since 2017, in collaboration with BNA Haaglanden and Dag van de Architectuur. The Berlagevlag, Berlagewimpel (pennant) en Berlagevaan (banner) are intended for the entire team of parties involved. On Saturday February 3, 2024 the Atrium is closed due to maintanence.

For this edition, 38 beautiful and very diverse projects were submitted to compete. This exhibition, which can be seen from February 1 until 23, 2024 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague, contains descriptions and photos of all 38 entries. All entries together clearly demonstrate the diversity of the construction task in The Hague and surrounding areas over the past two years. 

The independent professional jury of the Berlagevlag 2023 consists of: Dorte Kristensen (Atelier PRO – chairman), Mark Graafland (Bureau Kroner architects – secretary), Wim Voogt (OKRA landscape architects), Carina Nørregaard (LIAG architects and construction consultants), Richard Koek (Rijnboutt tot 1st of September). In addition to the Berlagevlag, the audience award – the Berlagewimpel – has also been introduced. The public voted on a shortlist of 12 projects nominated by the jury. In addition, no fewer than two Berlagevaantjes were awarded, which represent an honorable mention.

Winners 2023

For more information, go to

On Sunday evening, December 17, the seventh edition of the Christmas-Sing-ALong took place in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. With Gregor Bak, Francis van Broekhuizen, Music Ensemble Uzory, Theater Fanfare Kunst voor het Volk led by Sarif Tribou, the 350 choir members, 1,100 visitors and the online visitors via the Livestream, it was a Christmas Eve you will never forget!

Aftermovie with subtitles
Watch the Aftermovie with subtitles of the Christmas-Sing-ALong 2023 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague, produced by Cue Creative in collaboration with the organization of the Christmas-Sing-ALong Foundation Atrium City Hall.

Photo Exhibition Best News Photo and Sports Photo of the Year 2023

Foto Koen Suyk - ANP.

Have a look at the best Dutch news and sports photos of the year until January 29, 2024 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. On Saturday January 13 and January 27, 2024 the Atrium is closed due to mainaintance.

The awards for the News Photo of the Year 2023 and the Sports Photo of the Year 2023 has been presented for the first time on January 9, 2024 in the Atrium. This exhibition features the 100 best photographs of the year of the decisive moments in sport, politics and society. The competition and exhibition are organized by Stichting Nieuwsfoto (Foundation News Photo). The below photos of the winning photographers 2023 Pim Ras, Sem van der Wal, Tom Bode and Robin van Lonkhuijsen can also be seen in this photo exhibition.

Foto's Winnaars Nieuwsfoto & Sportfoto 2023 - Stichting Nieuwsfoto

Winners 2023
The winning photographers of 2023 are:

  • Winner of the Jury Prize News: Sem van der Wal. Photo Dilan Yesilgoz (VVD) Pieter Omtzigt (NSC) Geert Wilders (PVV) Caroline van der Plas (BBB) ​​discussion of motion during suspension of debate of House of Representatives election results.
  • Winner of the Audience Award News: Pim Ras. Photo A full Coolsingel Rotterdam during the celebration of National Champion Feyenoord.
  • Winner of the Sports Jury Prize: Robin van Lonkhuijsen. Photo Sifan Hassan falls just before the finish of the 10 kilometers at the Budapest World Athletics Championships.
  • Winner of the Audience Award for Sports: Tom Bode. Photo Geertruida after his winning goal for Feyenoord in the Johan Cruijff Arena.

Stichting Nieuwsfoto
Stichting Nieuwsfoto is a foundation which is set up by ANP (General Dutch Press Agency), Sound & Vision (Media Archive and Museum) and NSP (Dutch Sports Press). The municipality of The Hague is one of the partners and main sponsors of the event. 

For more information, go to (Dutch only).

Christmas-Sing-ALong 2023

Kerst-Sing-Along 2022. Foto: De Schaapjesfrabiek - Tessa Veldhorst.

On Sunday evening, December 17, the seventh edition of the Christmas-Sing-ALong took place in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. With Gregor Bak, Francis van Broekhuizen, Music Ensemble Uzory, Theater Fanfare Kunst voor het Volk led by Sarif Tribou, the 350 choir members, 1,100 visitors and the online visitors via the Livestream, it was a Christmas Eve you will never forget!

Aftermovie with subtitles
Watch the Aftermovie with subtitles of the Christmas-Sing-ALong 2023 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague, produced by in collaboration with the organization of the Christmas-Sing-ALong Foundation Atrium City Hall.

Program 2023
On Sunday evening, December 17, everyone could attend the seventh edition of the special Christmas Sing-ALong in the Atrium The Hague from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and enjoy it at home via the livestream. The 350-member one-off Christmas choir, the more than 1,100 visitors in the Atrium The Hague and those staying at home can enjoy and sing along to traditional worldly Christmas carols via the livestream on this page under the inspiring leadership leadership of Gregor Bak with ‘dramatic soprano’ and TV-personality Francis van Broekhuizen. And there are guest appearances by Muziekensemble Uzory from Ukraine and Theaterfanfare Kunst voor het Volk from The Hague conducted by Sarif Tribou. The Christmas choir and the visitors have jointly collected a donation of more than 3.000 euros for Uzory.

Photos Christmas-Sing-ALong 2023
Watch all photos of the Christmas-Sing-ALong 2023 on

Kerst-Sing-ALong-2023 in het Atrium Den Haag - Foto De Schaapjesfabriek


Citywide Meeting on Environmental Vision 2050

Uitnodiging Stadsbrede Bijeenkomst Omgevingsvisie 2050

The municipality of the city of The Hague would like to invite all residents to the citywide meeting on Environmental Vision 2050 on Saturday October 7 from 2PM until 4PM in the Atrium of the City Hall with hosts alderman Robert van Asten and presentor Fred Zuiderwijk.

At 12PM the meeting will start with snacks and the municipality will update everyone about the progress of the The Hague 2050 environmental vision. The municipality went into the city last June and July with the ‘Haagse Mixer’. Get to know the outcome of these interviews and hear what ambitions people from the different neighborhoods have. The municipality will ask you and other guests to join them on a large map of The Hague (Haagse Mat) where you can indicate what you are proud of, which places should be preserved and where something certainly needs to be done in the city.

There is a separate area for children where they can play andcan build their ideal playground with a supervisor: we create The Hague’s environmental vision together.

The municipality would appreciate it if you send an email to so that they know that you are coming and they can inform the catering. And please do invite neighboors, colleagues, sports buddies and other people.

For more information, go to the website of the Environmental Vision The Hague 2050.

Foto's: Diverse Bijeenkomsten Omgevingsvisie Den Haag 2050. Credits: gemeente Den Haag.

International Yoga Day 2023

International Yoga Day 2022

On Sunday June 18, the International Yoga Day will return to the Atrium of the City Hall of The Hague. This day is organized by the Embassy of India and is freely accessible to everyone, registration is not necessary.

Entrance between 10:00 and 10:45 hours
Yoga session from 11:00 until 12:00 hours

There is a yoga mat for everyone. You must bring your own comfortable clothing.

Are you not aible to attend, watch the livestream on the YouTube account Indian Diplomacy.

More information can be found on the website of the Embassy of India.

Flyer International Yoga Dag 2022

Chinese New Year 2023: Year of the Rabbit

CNY2023: Jaar van Het Konijn

Despite all the problems, the cheerful celebration of the National Chinese New Year will be organized again as before in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague on 21 January 2023. All activities are free of access.

For the past two years, the celebration could not take place due to the Corona crisis. The New Year’s wish of the Mayor Jan van Zanen in 2021, that this beautiful cultural event would take place again in the City Hall after the Corona crisis is hereby fulfilled. Due to the short time frame, the Corona traveling restrictions and the many geo-economic vicissitudes, it was uncertain whether it would be to continue. Against all expectations, all stakeholders fortunately decided to organize this international event again in the City-Hall of The Hague.

Long tradition
The Chinese New Year in The Hague has a long tradition. In 2002, the municipality of The Hague signed an agreement with the Chinese community, the LFCON and the embassy stating that the National Chinese New Year Celebration (CNY) would be held in The Hague from that year onwards. The New Year festivities take place in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague and in the Chinatown The Hague, with street parades on the Plein and in the city center of The Hague.

The Chinese New Year celebration in The Hague is a special event. It distinguishes itself from the New Year’s celebrations in the other major cities due to its size, the program, and unique collaboration with the municipality of The Hague. It is characteristic that young and old, both internationally and nationally, including the residents of The Hague, actively participate. It provides The Hague with a unique platform in the Netherlands, in which mutual culture, knowledge exchange and common values ​​are the central focus.

Chinees Nieuwjaar Viering in het Atrium Den Haag

2023: Year of the Rabbit
The year of 2023 is
the Year of The Rabbit. The overall organization on the Chinese side is in the hands of the Foundation for Chinese Cultural Events Netherlands (CCEN) and the annually elected committee of the Year of the Rabbit.
The year 2023 is all about the Rabbit. The Rabbit is the fourth animal in the twelve yearly cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Striving for a safe and social existence is extremely important to the Rabbit. Due to its calm and friendly habits, the rabbit gets along very well with everybody. Those who fall under this sign are eloquent and have a charm and lifestyle of their own. The word ‘no’ is rarely encountered, and the door will always stay open. The Rabbit is a real peacemaker and very social. It prefers to avoid conflicts and will be the one that can be used as an intermediary. The Rabbit weighs all the pros and cons and remains impartial in all respects. People and situations are properly assessed with intuition. The Rabbit’s attachment to certainty can make it challenging to deal with change. Make sure that important decisions are not postponed for too long. The Rabbit has a good eye for details and can hold excellent positions in finance and real estate, however the Rabbit also fits well in retail due to its sense of style and harmony.

Organisations National Chinese New Year Celebration 2023
he Netherlands China Association (VNC) coordinates and assists the CCEN on behalf of the municipality of The Hague with application procedures, activities, and communication. The VNC is an independent and non-subsidized Dutch organization which exists over 45 years and is one of the largest organizations in the Netherlands in this context. The VNC publishes the periodic cultural magazine ChinaNu.

Voorzitter CNY2023 Sujie ChiMs. Sujie Chi is an experienced entrepreneur. After finishing her study at the university, she came to the Netherlands. She and her husband have lived in The Netherlands for almost 30 years. Sujie Chi has been officially elected as the chairman of the committee for the 2023 National Chinese New Year Celebration. In addition to her entrepreneurship, she is also active as the chairman of the Wenzhou Overseas Association Foundation, which works for compatriots from this region. The Foundation supports major events and has also sponsored the Winter Olympic Games.

CNY2023: Jaar van Het Konijn

Sujie Chi introduced her committee in the
City hall of The Hague and discussed the plans for the festivities. Without doubt it is going to be another great program again with wonderful performances of Dutch and Chinese top artists and cultural groups. The Chinese New Year celebration in The Hague has become an important international celebration where family and friends gather to ring in the New Year. A wonderful celebration for everyone, said Sujie Chi.

Programma Chinees Nieuwjaarsviering 2023

  • 10:00 hours: Reception and registration in the Atrium of the City Hall of The Hague.
  • 10:30 hours: Procession with Chinese lion and dragon dances on Spuiplein.
  • 11:30 hours: Official opening ceremony in the Atrium, with speeches by the Mayor of The Hague Jan van Zanen, the Chinese Ambassador and Mrs. Sujie Chi – Chairman of the National Chinese New Year Celebration Committee 2023.
  • 12:30 to 14:30 hours: Variated cultural program.
  • 13:30 hours: Reception and New Year’s lunch in the foyer of the City Hall (only by invitation from the organisation).
  • 14:30 to 17:00 hours: Varied program with performances by well-known Chinese and Dutch artists

All activities are free of charge.

Further information can be found at and

Kung Fu Leeuw

Pre-premiere Kung Fu Lion
Especially for the Chinese New Year Celebration, everyone can attend the pre-premiere of the film Kung Fu Leeuw in Pathe Buitenhof on Sunday, January 22, 2022. Kung Fu Lion is the heartwarming story of two boys who learn to dance in a Chinese lion. However, in order to move like a lion, they must first learn to work together. Dutch film producer Flinck Film has signed an agreement with China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), China’s largest film producer, to make Kung Fu Lion the first official Dutch co-production with China. The film will be released in the Netherlands in February and then in China. For more information, visit the website

Photo Exhibition ANP News Photo of the Year 2022

Logo ANP

On Tuesday evening 10 January 2023, the announcement of the ANP News Photo of the Year 2022 has taken place. Following this, the photo exhibition with more than 100 news photos from 2022 will be on display in the Atrium of the City Hall of The Hague until January 31, 2023. This photo exhibition wil not be on display on Saturday January 21, 2023, due to the Chinese New Year Celebration.

News photo of the year 2022
For the past five years, a professional jury has selected the ANP News Photo of the Year from the wide range of ANP news photos. Last year, Bart Maat won with his photo of Minister Ollongren at the Binnenhof. The photo, now known as ‘function elsewhere’, turned the entire cabinet formation upside down in the spring of 2021. The aim of this award is to generate attention for the news photography produced daily by photojournalists in the Netherlands.

Vincent Jannink - Honderden mensen slapen buiten bij aanmeldcentrum Ter Apel. Winnaar Jurpyprijs ANP Nieuwsfoto van het jaar 2022.

This prize – formerly the Jos van Leeuwen Photo Prize – is awarded to the news photographer who has made the best news photo from the range at ANP Foto. This year’s jury consists of freelance image consultant Leo Blom, head of photo at Het Parool Eva de Vos and professor of journalism and innovation Danielle Arets. In addition to the jury prize, the audience prize was also awarded. Each month, the public could vote for their favorite news photo via social media and a web page. There is one winner every month, who is nominated for the annual ANP News Photo of the Year Audience Award. The nominees were:

Vincent Jannink – Hundreds of people sleep outside at the Ter Apel application center (winner of the jury prize)
Rob Engelaar – Silent march in Kerkrade for the murdered Gino
Ramon van Flymen – Crowds at Schiphol after strike
Laurens Bosch – Man in camouflage clothing after an Apple Store hostage (winner of the public award)
Ramon van Flymen – Ukrainian refugees after arriving from Berlin at Amsterdam Central

These 5 nominated photos from 2022 can also be seen in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague until January 31, 2023.

For more information, go to (Dutch only).

Photo Exhibition Catch21

Expositie Catch21 in de Ellenbookerk Amersfoort ( PAR-PA fotografie)

In this photo exhibition which can be seen from December 19, 2022 to January 9, 2023 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague you will see work by eight talented photographers who got to know each other during their study Photographic Design in Rotterdam: Leonie, Ariana, Wieneke, Britt, Lotte, Monica, Karin and Sun.

In September 2021 they organized as a collective Catch21 their graduation exhibition in the Elleboogkerk in Amersfoort.. Although their projects left a surprising diversity in theme, style and working method due to the mutual connections and mutual interests, it turned out to be an intuitive but strong conceptual connectedness. After this very positively received exhibition, this is the second time that their work can be seen together. The photographers of Catch21 will show how they have developed further in the year after their graduation. This time on invitation from Atrium City Hall in the city where a large part of the collective lives or works and has already done so was exhibited by part of the group. Catch21 takes you on photographic discovery tour through human interest, documentary, research, mixed media and alternative techniques.

For more information about Catch21, go to their Facebook pagina.

Leonie Gossens

Leonie Gossens
Ik mis

As a photographer and artist she attempts to capture that what is no longer there, has not yet been or may not have been. Not the here and now, but the absent is translated into something visible. The starting point for her photographic and visual experiments is a sensitivity to the seemingly unnoted, the unwitnessed or deviant. The search for a visual and tangible translation urges her to create. I Miss is her research into photographic strategies to explore and imagine the impact of experiencing a miscarriage. How could she capture something that was not yet visible and has suddenly disappeared? How could she make something tangible that others have not seen or felt, but was and remains so clearly there?
With I Miss she hopes to tempt you to pause for a moment to think about this subject, that has not been discussed very openly. And that her photographic thoughts contribute to more attention, recognition and contemplation. In 2022 she started worked on a sequel to I Miss at the Photo Academy in Amsterdam and here she shows you the first step.

Ariana Eland

Ariana Eland
Your perception of me is a reflection of you
With the question “what do you see’ Ariana wants to introduce people into her world and invite them to look for themselves. The themes of identity, individuality, connection with others and her environment are central to her work. She is always looking for the answer to the question: ‘Who am I, and what is my place in this world?’ Ariana’s work is aesthetic, enigmatic and has a strong interplay between form and content. What emerges is an eclectic visual story full of shapes, objects, people and situations. Do you dare to stand still and make the invisible visible? Its not about what you see, it’s about what you want to see.

Wieneke de Leeuw

Wieneke de Leeuw
Bloemstillevens in chemigrammen
Ever since her childhood in Twente, Wieneke has longed to see the Snakes’s head flower (Fritillaria maleagris). At the beginning of 2021, Wieneke started this long-term project, in which she is researching this special flower bulb. She collected stories from residents, administrators and historians, and studied the symbolism of this flower and its background. For this photo series “Flower still lifes in chemigrams” Wieneke has researched the flower still lifes from the 16th and 17th centuries and the ecological environment in which the Snake’s head flower occurs. The photographic design in chemigrams is a time-consuming and intensive process with sunlight on analog paper using, among other things, flowers from the vicinity of the Fritillaria maleagris. The structures refer to the stains on the pages of the old Herbaria and the original colors give it a warm authentic atmosphere. This is exactly the look Wieneke was looking for for these photos. In the Netherlands, 90% of these rare flower bulbs bloom in the spring in the IJsseldelta near Zwolle. Wieneke thinks it is important to preserve history, so that this flower continues to be appreciated and seen. In 2023, Wieneke hopes to complete her project with a book designed by the Hague designer Sybren Kuiper.

Britt van den Broeke

Britt van den Broeke
Britt photographs in the direction of documentary style and has a fascination for simplicity. The work she makes is mainly focused on West Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, the place where she grew up and which is close to her heart. Her images have an atmosphere of stillness, peace and sincerity. In her series ‘Nèrgens’ she visually captures the feeling of homesickness about the pure simplicity of her region. Images that can still be seen sporadically can be captured for the future.

Lotte van Huuksloot

Lotte van Huuksloot
Lotte van Huuksloot (1979) graduated in 2021 from the Dutch Academy of Image Creation (The Netherlands,Rotterdam) in Photographic design. With a good eye for the visual poetry of the everyday, she translates her own experiences and emotions into images that move and make
you reflect on things. The series “Contours” is Lotte’s graduation project and arose during the Lockdown. Due to the pandemic and the measures taken, she was limited in her freedom of movement. She was stuck in a densely populated urban area with no nature in the immediate surroundings. Almost every day she went for a walk within a radius of two kilometers from her home to take pictures. By instinctively and intuitively looking for images that touched her, she managed to visualize the complexity of her emotions. This caused a delay and acted as an outlet that allowed her to stay in balance. The limitation slowly became a voyage of discovery full of moments of wonder.

Monica Stuurop

Monica Stuurop
For this project, Monica immersed herself in the phenomenon of ‘Misophonia’, which means ‘hatred for sound’. Especially eating, taste and repetitive sounds. Unknown to many, unspoken or in the taboo sphere. With this documentary series she wants to create awareness for this not so well-known neurological disorder. The project “Misophonia” is an ongoing project that is being further expanded. Monica Stuurop, 1970 graduated in 2021 from the Dutch visual academy in Rotterdam, Photograpic Design. She is currently working on the deepening and expansion of this photographic documentary project.

Karin van Bijlevelt

Karin van Bijlevelt
By telling personal stories that are close to herself, and visually converting this into images, Karin knows how to touch or connect people. Her work has a soft poetic analogue atmosphere, the images are fused together into a unity. With her project ‘Leftovers’, Karin tells the story of her father, who was abandoned as a baby by his mother, under duress from her family, to an orphanage in The Hague in 1942. She searched for the feeling of giving up and holding on, trauma, the sadness and being left alone. Karin van Bijlevelt graduated from the Dutch Academy for Image Creation Rotterdam (Photographic Design) in 2021.

Sun van Nieuwburg

Sun van Nieuwburg
The Nightfly
As a child, Sun always walked around her neck with a camera. With her ADHD she could say with images what did not come out well with words, in this way she was better understood. She still always has a camera with her to capture the pure moment. “My images often arise in the night, they are about femininity, emotions and freedom. I work digitally, analoguely and with polaroids. To give some photos more layering, I edit them with various materials. As traditionally, the night is associated with the feminine – the moon is the queen of the night for a reason. At night there is room for emotions and magic.  Often I wake up in the middle of the night and can no longer sleep. Then I go astray. It is dark, no one sees me, in the anonymity of the dark feelings are given free rein. Fear, anger, sadness, feelings of freedom, desire, exuberance and sensuality flow by. The night is confronting and liberating at the same time. The night is my girlfriend, it brings me closer to myself, comforts me and challenges me.  Sun graduated from the Fotoacademie Amsterdam.

Orange the World 2022: Catcalls The Hague

Orange the World op het Stadhuis - Foto Valerie Kuypers

November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day kicks off the worldwide 16-day campaign ‘Orange the World’. Orange is the colour of the campaign because the colour stands for a sunrise: the sunrise in a future free of violence.

Around the world, women and queer people are most often victims of gender-based violence. Part of this is street harassment; think of catcalling, hissing and touching without consent. The Instagram account Catcalls Den Haag raises awareness for street harassment and the willingness to report on incidents. Victims of street harassment share their experience and Claudia chalks this in the place the incident happened. Claudia was inspired by the worldwide Chalk Back movement, which involved young activists raising awareness in their own cities for this global issue. Claudia realised that to be an activist yourself, it does not actually take such a big step; sometimes small actions can have great effects.
For more information, go to

Catcalls Den Haag op Boulevard van Scheveningen

The posts of Catcalls The Hague are on show from November 21 to December 2 in the Atrium of the City Hall of The Hague. Here you can find Claudia’s Instagram account; Cat Calls of Den Haag (@catcallsofdenhaag) or go to the website of the international organization Chalk Back

City Hall turns Orange
On Friday November 25 at 19:00 there is an opening ceremony by Mariëlle Vavier, alderman for Poverty, Inclusion, and Public Health, during which the city hall will be lit up in orange and the flag of Orange the World will be hoisted. There will also be the recital of a poem written especially for the campaign by Nart Alghabbach, member of the Jonge Stadsdichters (Young City Poets) of The Hague.

The full Orange the World is announced on And all national activities are listed on

Poster Wall The Hague Municipal Archives: 200 Years Mauritshuis


Until October 29, The Hague Municipal Archives, in cooperation with the Mauritshuis, will present the impressive exhibition 200 years of the Mauritshuis in the Poster Wall in the Atrium.

In 2022, the Mauritshuis will celebrate its 200th anniversary. Because it is the Mauritshuis’ birthday, the front of the museum will be surrounded by a sea of flowers all year round. To mark this special anniversary, several equally special moments have been planned. One of these is this wonderful exhibition that will take you on a journey through 200 years of Mauritshuis history. All activities about 200 Years Mauritshuis can be seen via

The Mauritshuis, a House Full of Stories!
The Bonbonnière. The Jewellery Box. The Sugar Palace. Three nicknames for a museum that has existed for no less than 200 years: since 1822. A museum whose collection has continued to grow ever since; the best paintings from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries were hung there. A collection that has been admired by everyone, even to this day. Who hasn’t visited this city palace in The Hague?

The Sugar Palace 
The Mauritshuis stands in one of the oldest places in the center of The Hague, on the Hofvijver, right next to the Binnenhof, the center of Dutch politics. Once built as a residence, it became a guesthouse, a library and, in 1822, a museum.

The Mauritshuis was built in 1644 for Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen. During the building work, Johan Maurice was given a new job: as governor of Dutch Brazil, he became the colony’s highest official. Johan Maurits earned his money not only as governor, but also by trading in people: enslaved Africans who had to work on the sugar plantations. He used this money to build the Mauritshuis, among other things. That is why it is also called the Sugar Palace – and that is not intended as a compliment.

Mauritshuis becomes a museum
On January 5, 1822, King Willem I opened the Mauritshuis as a museum and named it the Royal Cabinet of Paintings. Willem I inherited the paintings that were to hang there from his father, Stadholder Willem V.

If you visited the museum in 1822, you were expected to be “well dressed”. The Staatscourant of Thursday January 3, 1822 states: ‘The Royal Cabinet of Paintings in The Hague will from now on be open for inspection on Wednesdays and Saturdays. . . . will be open for inspection by anyone who is properly dressed and has no children with them’.

Mauritshuis - Foto Ivo Hoekstra

Gallery of curiosities
Initially, the Royal Cabinet of Paintings was housed on the top floor of the Mauritshuis. There it is packed with paintings, from ceiling to floor. On the ground floor, visitors see the historical objects of the Royal Cabinet of Rare Objects. Here you can see stones, skeletons, shells and other objects – even an Inuit in a kayak! There has been some criticism of this messy mishmash of items. In 1875, the cabinet of curiosities was moved, freeing the entire building for paintings. But it remained full – very different from today!

Famous Paintings
The Mauritshuis is a museum full of masterpieces by famous Dutch painters from the 17th century. The paintings are not only beautiful or very well painted, you can also see how the Dutch used to live.

Their most famous painting has long been The Bull by Paulus Potter. People come to the Mauritshuis from far and wide especially for this enormous canvas. They admire the realism with which Potter painted the bull. Did you know that Potter lived on the Bierkade in The Hague? With a few steps, he was in the meadow where his models grazed. Some older Dutch people recognise the farmer in the painting as Teun from the reading board.

Now their most famous painting is the Girl with the pearl earring from Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer. It is the only work of art that we address as a person in the museum. All the people who work at the Mauritshuis always speak of ‘her’ or ‘she’. 

The exhibition 200 years Mauritshuis will be on display in the Atrium in the Poster Wall from The Hague Municipal Archives, near the entrance to the reading room of The Hague Municipal Archives. Editors of 200 Years Mauritshuis: Faye Cliné, Martine Gosselink, Edwin Buijsen, Maaike Pilgram and Quentin Buvelot.

For more information, go to

Christmas-Sing-ALong 2022

Gregor Bak & Francis van Broekhuizen - Foto De Schaapjesfabriek - Tessa Veldhorst

Atrium City Hall organizes the Christmas Sing-ALong in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague for many years. A one-time Christmas choir of 350 people is put together and after rehearsing three times, they will give a concert to more than 1.100 visitors.

The sixth edition of the special Christmas Sing-ALong was organized in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague on Sunday evening, 18 December. A Christmas Choir with 350 individual members and more than 1.100 visitors could enjoy and sing along to traditional Dutch, English and French Christmas carols under the inspiring leadership of Gregor Bak with a guest appearance by ‘dramatic soprano’ and TV personality Francis van Broekhuizen. This year chansonnier Phillippe Elan will be an additional guest artist. Philippe recorded the hit Les Vacances in 2021 with Gregor and Francis.

Kerst-Sing-ALong 2022: V.l.n.r. Philippe Elan & Francis van Broekhuizen & Gregor Bak. Foto De Schaapjesfabriek - Tessa Veldhorst.

Mayor Jan van Zanen has done the opening speech together with chairman of Atrium City Hall Theo Heere, and the mayor has song his favorite Christmas song: White Christmas!

We are happy to announce that music ensemble Uzory from Mykolaiv, a city in the south of Ukraine, located west of Crimea, has been able to perform again this year! All choir members and visitors have been asked for a donation especially for them. We have raised 4,379 euros!

Kerst-Sing-ALong 2022 - Foto Tessa Veldhorst De Schaapjesfabriek. Burgemeester Jan van Zanen & Francis van Broekhuizen.

Omroep West
All tickets are sold out, but you can see the concert on TV. This year Omroep West will be present again to record the entire Christmas Concert. The broadcasting will be on TV West on December 23 & 26 as of 17:00 hours, continuously.

Kerst-Sing-ALong 2022 - Foto Tessa Veldhorst De Schaapjesfabriek. Muziekensemble Uzory.

For more information and photo’s, go to

Museum Night – #Turnonthelightagain with String Quartet, Expo Street Artists on Canvas & Docu 25 Years Foundation Atrium

#HetLichtGaatWeerAan - Fotograaf - Ryan Simons
On Saturday October 9 during Museum Night, Atrium City Hall has reopened after 1,5 years by Mayor Jan van Zanen. With the production #Turnonthelightagain by PIP Den Haag and a string quartet, the exhibition Street Artists on Canvas by Ringo, Zesta and Page33 and the documentary 25 years Foundation Atrium, this night is one to be remembered!

City Halls of The Hague – 25 Years of City Hall at the Spui

Stadhuizen van Den Haag - 25 jaar stadhuis aan het Spui

The Atrium The Hague is still closed for activities until further notice, but the exhibition about the 25th anniversary of the City Hall and the Atrium with stories of Hague city halls and council halls through the centuries, can now be seen online (Dutch only)! Part of this exhibition is the online documentary about 25 years foundation Atrium (in Dutch with English subtitles), which can bee seen on our Home Page.

Stories from the Dagelijkse Groenmarkt to the Javastraat and from the Burgemeester De Monchyplein to the town hall on the Spui, is a monument preservation of the Municipality of The Hague i.c.w. the Hague Municipal Archives, with beautiful pictures and stories of the past 25 years.

TV Program: Christmas-Sing-ALong 2020 on TV West

Gregor Bak en Francis van Broekhuizen - Foto Merlijn Doomernik

Since a couple of years Atrium City Hall organizes the Christmas-Sing-ALong in the Atrium of the city hall in The Hague. A on-off Christmas choir with 300 persons is composed, after 3 rehearsels they give a concert to 1.100 visitors. Due to the current measures there will be no concert in the Atrium in 2020, but instead TV West will broadcast a special edition.


Maquette Central Innovation District (CID)

Maquette CID - Foto Jurriaan Brobbel

In het Atrium Den Haag is van 28 mei t/m 21 juni 2024 een maquette te zien van de gebiedsontwikkeling Central Innovation District (CID).

Het CID is een nieuw stuk Haags centrum. Het economische hart van de stad en de regio. Perfect gelegen naast de oude binnenstad en tussen en rond de treinstations Den Haag Centraal, Hollands Spoor en Laan van NOI. Het gebied is goed bereikbaar met het openbaar vervoer. Nergens anders komen de landelijke overheid, bedrijfsleven en onderwijs zo dicht bij elkaar. Dat biedt kansen. En maakt het CID een fijne plek om te wonen, werken, leren en te ontmoeten.

Op de maquette is te zien wat de plannen zijn voor de openbare ruimte en de nieuwe gebouwen in de verschillende deelgebieden: Den Haag Centraal, Laan van NOI, Beatrixkwartier en Bezuidenhout-West en Laakhavens Hollands Spoor.

Wonen voor iedereen
Steeds meer mensen willen wonen, werken en ontspannen in onze stad. Daarom maakt de gemeente in het CID ruimte voor toekomstige en huidige inwoners, studenten, ondernemers, professionals en bezoekers. De komende 20 jaar komen er 20.500 nieuwe woningen, nieuwe kantoren en voorzieningen. Met meer groen in de buitenruimte en plekken om elkaar te ontmoeten. Er komt een bijzondere mix van rust, sfeer en drukte. De gemeente bouwt niet zomaar woningen, kantoren en voorzieningen, we bouwen wijken met Haagse karakters. Voorzieningen, zoals zorg, winkels, sport, cultuur en parken, zijn in een kwartier te bereiken. Lopend, met de fiets of met het openbaar vervoer. 

Meer ruimte voor voetgangers en fietsers
We zetten in op duurzaamheid en gaan anders om met energie en verkeer. De voetganger en de fietser komen op 1. Er komen prettige wandel- en fietsroutes en nog betere aansluitingen met het openbaar vervoer. Zo maken we de straten veiliger, gezonder en schoner. En is er meer ruimte voor groen en natuur, waardoor het gebied fijn en aantrekkelijk wordt om te bewegen, spelen en ontspannen. 

Economische vernieuwing
Als (inter)nationale kennisstad gaan we voor economische vernieuwing. In het gebied zijn al veel grote en kleine bedrijven, kennisinstellingen, non-gouvernementele organisaties (ngo’s), onderwijs- en onderzoekinstellingen, start-ups, scale-ups en overheidsorganisaties. We versterken de aantrekkingskracht voor talent, bedrijven en kennis, waardoor nieuwe banen ontstaan. Door deze combinatie kunnen ook toekomstige generaties wonen, werken, leren en ontmoeten in het CID. Samen met de stad werken we aan de ontwikkeling van een gebied dat de economische concurrentie met het buitenland aankan.

Samen met de stad
Iedereen met vragen of ideeën over de ontwikkelingen kan terecht in het Atrium. De gemeente organiseert hiervoor inloopmomenten (informatie volgt). Ook blijft de maquette gebruikt worden in gesprekken met de buurt. Bijvoorbeeld over de plekken waar gebouwd kan worden, maar ook waar mensen ruimte zien voor kantoren, voorzieningen, openbaar groen of plekken om te spelen en ontspannen. Geen tijd om langs te komen? Stuur uw ideeën naar

Doe mee tijdens de CID Dagen 2024
Meepraten en meedenken over ontwikkelingen in het CID of over speciale onderwerpen zoals groen, mobiliteit of voorzieningen? Na de zomervakantie organiseert de gemeente weer CID Dagen. Houd de website in de gaten voor het programma of meld u aan voor de digitale nieuwsbrief.

Er gebeurt veel in het CID. Op de hoogte blijven? De digitale nieuwsbrief verschijnt 6 keer per jaar met actuele informatie over de laatste ontwikkelingen, ga naar aanmeldformulier voor deze digitale nieuwsbrief. 

Meer informatie over het CID op

Exhibition Snesie

Tentoonstelling Snesie: Een portretserie van een gedeelde Surinaams-Chinese geschiedenis

From May 16 to May 31, the exhibition Snesie: A portrait series of a shared Surinamese-Chinese history can be seen in the Atrium City Hall, organised by Carla Tjon (author, research) and Lidwien van de Ven (co-research, image design and photography). The exhibition tells the history of the Chinese-Surinamese community in the Netherlands.

Auteur & Researcher Carla Tjon

Abolition of Slavery
Ten years before slavery was officially abolished in Suriname, eighteen contract labourers were brought from the Dutch East Indies to boost the plantation economy. Fourteen survived the journey and the work on the plantation.

Five years later, 500 Chinese were recruited through the mediation of the Dutch consulate in Macau. In We Slaves of Suriname, Anton de Kom describes their arrival in 1858. When it turned out that nobody wanted to hire these labourers as long as the already available slaves could work for nothing, their contract was changed by the governor. And when the Chinese revolted against their slave status, they were punished by caning. 

During their five-year contracts, several Chinese labourers managed to buy their freedom one by one, after which they could set up a business. This was possible through a well-known and active savings and loans scheme based in their native country, later also used by Surinamers under the name ‘kasmoni’ (literally: cash money). The shops owned by omoe Snesie (Chinese uncle) soon became a distinctive part of the street scene in Paramaribo.

Foto uit de tentoonstelling Snesie. Zwarte Chinese kinderen. Jaartal onbekend.

Chinese migration cannot be understood in isolation from the social unrest in China that resulted from changes of power, and from Western and Japanese occupation from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. In the time of the weakened empire, Western merchants forced the country to legalize the opium trade and Christian missionaries reached the remote Hakka villages in the southern province of Guangdong. The Hakka, known to the surrounding residents as a ‘guest population’, had lived there for more than two centuries. Over hundreds of years, major social shifts had led to their migration from northern to southern China, and ultimately out across the globe, including to the colonies in the West. The Hakka brought their traditions and cuisine with them everywhere, adapting it to their new environments.

Without knowing this early history, it is impossible to comprehend how the Chinese migrants came to be in Suriname, or why many Surinamese have Chinese surnames. The children of the early Chinese migrants who were born in Suriname had mothers of Creole origin.

In this series of portraits, every individual story carries that early history within it. The separate stories are not independent of each other. They have a common origin in forebears from the Hakka clans in southern China, and they form a coherent shared history in the present day.

Thinking of You Art Installation

Thinking of You AXHM Prishitna 2015

From June 3 until June 28, 2024 the Atrium City Hall and from June 18 until June 23, 2024 the Lange Voorhout in The Hague will be festooned with washing lines full of dresses.

These dresses have been donated by survivors of sexual violence in conflict, and their supporters. This landmark public art installation by the internationally recognized conceptual artist Alketa Xhafa Mripa will be a powerful homage to survivors of sexual violence in conflict worldwide.

The installation is created by artist Alketa Xhafa, working in collaboration with the Mukwege Foundation, the Embassy of Kosovo in the Netherlands, and the Municipality of The Hague.

Introducing Thinking of You
The artist initially conceived the concept in response to the ongoing traumatization and social exclusion of survivors of sexual violence from the war in her native Kosovo. The first Thinking of You exhibition (Prishtina, 2015) was held in the football stadium in the capital of Kosovo, receiving international acclaim and attention.

The process of making the installation became an act of collective listening and healing, and the final installation was a homage to the estimated 20,000 survivors of sexual violence committed by the Serbian army in Kosovo.

Since the first iteration of Thinking of You, it has been Alketa’s aim to take this installation to other countries and to collaborate in solidarity with survivors of conflict-related sexual violence around the world. It is a powerful tool to advocate for justice and to touch people emotionally, intellectually, and politically.

Since its initial launch in Kosovo and subsequent installations, Thinking of You has become a global symbol of remembrance and solidarity with survivors of sexual violence.

Thinking of You art installation
In June 2024, Thinking of You will be installed in the Atrium of the City Hall and along the avenue of trees on the Lange Voorhout – this time gathering dresses and skirts from survivors of conflict-related sexual violence across the world, with support from SEMA, the Mukwege Foundation’s global network of survivors.

Drawing attention to the reality of sexual violence in conflict and its human consequences, this installation will challenge a wide audience to think more deeply about the lived realities of survivors around the world and mobilize key decision-makers to take stronger action in preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence.

This installation is in collaboration with the Mukwege Foundation’s Red Line Initiative, inspired by Dr. Denis Mukwege’s call for bold and new thinking to finally put an end to the wholly unacceptable use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

With The Hague celebrated as the international city of peace and justice, there is no better place to present this exhibition. The installation coincides with International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict on 19 June 2024.

Alketa Xhafa Hanging Dresses Prishtina 2015

Artist Alketa Xhafa Mripa
Alketa’s work delves into personal and universal themes that span motherhood, women, gender relations, memory, and the body. She utilizes various artistic mediums, including films, installations, paintings, and photography, to create pieces that draw from personal and collective experiences. She draws inspiration from the challenges that others face and endeavours to approach these themes from a personal and introspective point of view.

​As a woman and artist, Alketa is committed to creating platforms and collaborations that foster new discourse and challenge oppression and injustice in different communities. Her experience as a mother and her feminist values provide Alketa with a unique perspective that allows her to approach women’s issues from a broad standpoint. She is especially passionate about supporting vulnerable communities of women, such as survivors of sexual violence and wartime rape, who continue to experience social stigmas. Collaboration and participation are essential aspects of her work, and involving others in the creative process brings an added level of passion to her art.

Alketa was born in Kosovo and moved to London in 1997 to study Fine Art at Central Saint Martins. During the Kosovo War of 1998-1999, she became a refugee. Currently, Alketa lives and works in London, collaborating on art projects throughout Europe and beyond.

For more information on Alketa and her work, go to

Sneak Preview OFFprojects with performance PART

OFFProjects PART. Foto Nichon Glerum

OFFprojects is a The Hague based collective of former dancers of Nederlands Dans Theater, gathered around the work of choreographer and musician Amos Ben-Tal. In May 2024 the group is celebrating 10 years of existence and to celebrate the occasion they will give a sneak preview of 15 minutes from the performance PART in the Atrium of the City Hall on Tuesday May 7 at 5PM and 6PM. The phenomenal dancers of OFFprojects will be joined by Ben-Tal himself playing live on electric guitar.

The full performance of PART together with classical modern string quartet Ragazze Quartet can be seen at Korzo Theater on Saturday 11 May at 8:15PM. This evening you can also see several installations and video works of the collective.

Amos Ben-Tal
Israeli-Dutch choreographer Amos Ben-Tal creates multidisciplinary performances, events and installations and is well-known for his ‘out of the box’ approach to dance.

Ben-Tal starts dancing at the age of thirteen in various schools in Israel and completes his training in 1997 at The National Ballet School in Toronto, Canada. He then moves to the Netherlands to dance at Nederlands Dans Theater for nine years. It is at NDT where he develops his passion for choreography, debuting in 2005 with the work Track, which receives rave reviews.

From 2006 onward Ben-Tal dedicates himself to creating his own work, for Korzo Productions among other things: Ziggurat (2007), We Are Not Humanity (2008), The New Work (2011) and Kill The Victor (2012). In 2012 Amos co-founds ‘OFFprojects’, a collective of four dancers who create multi-disciplinary performances, events and installations. Their first full evening production OFFline (2014) receives critical praise and tours the Netherlands as well as France, England, Czech Republic and Germany.

Feel like moving yourself? Every Saturday morning the group gives an open lesson for movers of all levels and ages at Korzo Theater in The Hague.

For more information, go to and

Exhibition Soep (Soup) Stories: Stories of Freedom

Vrijheidssoep. Fotograaf onbekend.

The exhibition Soep (Soup) Stories of the Den Haag Vrijheidsmaaltijden (Hague Freedom Meals) can be seen in the Atrium City Hall from April 13 untul May 4, 2024. This photo exhibition with photo’s from Anne Reitsma is an initiative from Fa-bricage and the Foundation Museumkwartier Den Haag. Get inspired by the personal stories and experiences of the residents of The Hague made up by Lotte van Mourik and see with their own view on freedom. A special exhibition that celebrates every city resident and emphasizes the solidarity of The Hague. This exhibition is part of the Haagse Vrijheidsweken (The Hague Freedom Weeks).

For more information, go to

Exhibition Haagse klimaatdeals (Climate Deals The Hague)

2e Klimaattafel. Foto Sander Foederer.

A glimpse into the near future! Visit the exhibition Haagse Klimaatdeals (Climate Deals The Hague) from April 11 until May 3 in the Atrium City Hall to see how the municipality The Hague, businesses, entrepreneurs, and residents are working together for a green and healthy The Hague. 

A remarkable collection of climate deals demonstrate how the municipality is making The Hague greener, transitioning away from natural gas, reusing resources, and travel more ‘cleanly’. Some climate deals are concrete and practical, and will quickly yield visible results. 

Others are strategic agreements, where major parties come together to shape the agendas for the future. The underlying message is: whether you are a large corporation, a ministry, or a concerned resident of The Hague, this is a movement in which everyone can participate, in a city where every voice counts.

2e Klimaattafel Gesprek. Foto Sander Foederer.

These deals are part of The Hague Climate Agreement, in which a great number of parties in the city acknowledge the need for sustainability and actively commit to acting on it.

Together we are making our beautiful seaside city future-proof for current and future generations.

For more information, go to

Photo Exhibition Reenvisioning Intimacy

Mike & Curtis. Foto Snippet Alexander Namrok.

This photographic project which can be seen from March 26 until April 5 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague was born out of genuine curiosity about the diverse and intricate ways in which people in our modern world choose to form relationships. What different and new shapes can these relationships take? What boundaries and guidelines are necessary to keep them healthy? These were some of the questions photographer Alexander Namrok pondered as he began this project.

Together with couples and singles, his aim was to collaboratively explore these dynamics through staged portraits. Immersed in the intimacy of their homes, he asked the couples to articulate the key foundations and guidelines necessary for their unique relationship to thrive and be healthy. The interaction became a space for both them and Namrok to reflect upon these questions, serving as a reciprocal learning experience.

The photographs offer a rare glimpse into the private workings of intimate connections and are intended to inspire each of us to contemplate how our own relationships function and, ultimately, how we can perhaps make them even better.

They serve as a fresh take on the myriad of possibilities that exist for humans to form meaningful connections, seek intimacy, and cultivate love. Emphasizing an approach that is open, honest, and nonjudgmental.

Alexander Namrok
Alexander Namrok is a Danish-Moroccan photographer currently finishing his degree at The Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Through his work he is exploring the cameras ability to unveil new perspectives. Delving into themes of masculinity, power dynamics, and relationships. With his images, he aims to cultivate empathy, understanding, and meaningful connections, inviting viewers to explore and reflect on what it means to be human.

Men as Well
Menaswell is the Dutch organisation against sexual violence against men and/or queer people. We aim to bridge the barriers to support that men face following sexual violence, while increasing awareness and visibility of male victims.

Photo Exhibition New Voices II

Foto Workshop New Voices II Rob Godfried

Ten photographers with roots in five different countries — Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Moldova, and Yemen — turn their lenses towards the Netherlands. This group of talented photographers with refugee backgrounds worked under guidance to create a series of documentary photos that present their vision of present-day Netherlands. They received guest lectures from top photographers, including the current Photographer Laureate Marwan Magroun, former Photographer Laureate Ilvy Njiokiktjien, and Silver Camera winner Mona van den Berg. The images in this exhibition are at times intimate and tender, at times revealing and confronting, but always from a surprising perspective, that of the newcomer. From April 17 until May 10 this photo’s can be seen in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. 

This photo exhibition is produced by the Municipality of The Hague and is a project by RFG Magazine. RFG Magazine is an organization that supports fledgling media professionals in their integration into the Dutch job market.

For more information, go to the website of RFG (Dutch only)

Time Capsule Discovered!

Tijdcapsule loden kistje sokkel koning Willem II Standbeeld - Foto Sander Foederer

During the renovation of the Binnenhof, the contractor found a box from 1925 in the statue of King Willem II. The contents include a charter, books about the battle of Waterloo and a poem of praise. The time capsule was placed near the statue as an ode to King Willem II.

Due to the renovation of the Binnenhof, the famous equestrian statue of William II had to be temporarily removed from its place. While removing the plinth, a historic time capsule in the form of a lead box was found in a hidden space in the masonry. The time capsule was opened by The Hague mayor Jan van Zanen and Erfgoed councilor Saskia Bruines, exactly 99 years later. The box contained a charter, books about the battle of Waterloo and a poem honoring the king. The box, a so-called time capsule, was hidden in the foot (the pedestal) of the statue in 1925 as a tribute to King Willem II. The box and its contents can be seen by everyone from February 27 to March 20 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague.

King William II ruled from 1840 until his death in 1849. Before this he fought in the Battle of Waterloo, among other things. In 1848 he agreed to a constitutional amendment that limited the King’s power. Historical experts from the municipality of The Hague, Patrick Bosman and Sophie Olie, are surprised by the content:

“During the research we ended up traveling back in time to 1925. This is how the story behind the statue really came to life. What is extra special is that the contents have been so beautifully preserved. The certificate looks as if it was written yesterday, something you don’t often encounter.”

Standbeeld Willem II - Foto ANP website Den Haag FM

Replacement of the Statue of William II
The pedestal and statue of William II will probably be returned to the Binnenhof at the end of 2028. The time capsule then goes back into the pedestal. The municipality wants to add something contemporary to the time capsule before it goes back into the pedestal.

More information about the renovation of the Binnenhof can be found at (Dutch only).

What do you want to take within the Time Capsule?
Come visit the Atrium, leave a message and write down what you would like to take within the time capsule that will be placed back.

Tijdcapsule Ontdekt in het Atrium Den Haag!

Posterwand Haags Gemeentearchief: Een kijkje in de keuken van het Haags Gemeentearchief

Collecties Groepsfoto NMI

In 2024 viert het Haags Gemeentearchief zijn 140-jarig bestaan. Hun verhaal begon op 1 januari 1884, toen er voor het eerst een gemeentearchivaris werd benoemd. Om dit te vieren worden er in de loop van 2024 diverse activiteiten en projecten georganiseerd. De tentoonstelling ‘Een kijkje in de keuken van het Haags Gemeentearchief’, is daar één van die van 19 februari t/m 6 april te zien is in de Posterwand van het Haags Gemeentearchief in het Atrium Den Haag.

Een kijkje in de keuken van het Haags Gemeentearchief
“Voor de inwoners is het archief van nu de informatie van vroeger. Hier kunnen de inwoners van de gemeente Den Haag kennisnemen van haar historie, maar de informatie van nú is het archief van morgen. Het Haags Gemeentearchief wil daarom graag breed samenwerken met inwoners, instituties en organisaties. Om ook in de toekomst relevante informatie beschikbaar te kunnen blijven stellen voor onderzoek, duiding, verklaring en rechtvaardiging. In geest van de eerste archivaris van Den Haag, de heer Servaas van Rooyen, blijft het archief daarom ‘halen en brengen’.” – aldus Bart van der Meij, interimmanager van het Haags Gemeentearchief. 

In de tentoonstelling ‘Een kijkje in de keuken van het Haags Gemeentearchief’ nemen de medewerkers van het archief de bezoeker graag mee in hun werkzaamheden. Wat wordt er bewaard bij het gemeentearchief? Hoe wordt het bewaard en waarom? Wat doen archivarissen en collectiebeheerders eigenlijk de hele dag? In de verlichte panelen kan iedereen kennismaken met de collega’s van het Haags Gemeentearchief. Zij geven iedereen graag een kijkje in hun keuken! 

Onderdeel viering 140 jaar Haags Gemeentearchief
Met de viering van het 140-jarig bestaan van het Haags Gemeentearchief wordt iedereen uitgenodigd om kennis te maken met het rijke Haagse erfgoed dat in het archief te vinden is. Het doel: generaties verbinden, een brug slaan tussen de geschiedenis en het heden en deze bewaren voor de toekomst, zodat we samen de rijke geschiedenis – die de stad en haar inwoners representeert – kunnen vieren. 

Aanvullende informatie
De verlichte panelen in het Atrium Den Haag vormen met elkaar de vaste tentoonstellingsruimte van het Haags Gemeentearchief. Hier maakt het archief ongeveer zes tentoonstellingen per jaar, vaak in samenwerking met Haagse erfgoedpartijen. Alle tentoonstellingen hebben één ding met elkaar gemeen; de onderwerpen zijn Haags en alleen in het Nederlands. Meer informatie over de activiteiten van het Haags Gemeentearchief zijn te vinden op: 

Queer Migrations: Portraits from The Hague

Foto Zanyar Aziz - PS300PPItienx15cm

The search for a safe existence in which to be fully oneself often plays an important role in the lives of queer people. Photographer Zanyar Aziz portrayed several queer individuals in The Hague to showcase their stories and give them a voice. You can view the portraits and stories in the Atrium at the exhibition ‘Queer Migrations: Portraits from The Hague.’ 
The Hague is a multicultural city with queer individuals from different backgrounds, all with unique stories to tell. People have come to live here due to war in their country of origin, poverty, or because they are not accepted due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, forcing them to survive under difficult circumstances. Stories also emerge of queer individuals moving from the Bible Belt to The Hague or migrating from one neighborhood to another because not all places feel safe for queer people. The exhibition allows visitors to look at migration from a different perspective, portraying the ‘other’ not just as a refugee or migrant, but as an equal. 
The exhibition is part of the LGBTQ Humans of Amsterdam project, a project of the Humans of Film foundation. Through this project, the foundation aims to provide young professional photographers with a platform to showcase their artistic talents. The LGBTQ Humans of Amsterdam project began in Amsterdam, but the foundation also seeks to offer a platform in other Dutch cities through this initiative.

Made possible by
This exhibition was created in collaboration with the municipality of The Hague, the Central Library of The Hague and Atrium City Hall.

For more information, go to

Exhibition Femicide

Expositie Femicide tijdens Orange the World 2023 - Foto Sander Foederer

From February 26 until March 20 the exhibition Femicide can be seen in the Atrium of the City Hall. Every 8 days, a woman is murdered in the Netherlands, often by her (ex-)partner, and almost always because she decides to end the relationship. 6 out of 10 victims of femicide are killed by their (ex-)partners. Women are disproportionately more likely to be killed by their (ex-)partners or a family member than men. The Femicide exhibition alerts, informs, and gives a face to victims of fatal (ex-)partner violence against women and a voice to their loved ones.

Stichting Open Mind (, the municipality of The Hague, and the survivors of femicide victims are joining forces to bring attention to the warning signs of toxic relationships, inform the general public, and provide tips from the survivors to victims, bystanders, professionals, and society. With this exhibition, we hope to warn women in violent relationships, motivate them to seek the right help, and reduce the number of femicide victims.

The exhibition is also developed as an outdoor exhibition. From February 20 to March 12, it will be on display in Escamp. During the Haagse Vrouwendagen (the Hague Women’s Days), the exhibition will also be featured in the Atrium. For more information about the Haagse Vrouwendagen, visit

At Home in The Hague | Everyday Life in The Hague Southwest and Ypenburg

Verhalen over het dagelijks leven in Moerwijk en Ypenburg door de ogen van TU Delft Architectuurstudenten

Until January 26, 2024 you can see stories about daily life in The Hague Southwes and Ypenburg The Hague in the Atrium of the City Hall: an exhibition told and created by architecture students from TU Delft.

Admire how students immersed themselves in different houses, everyday life and the living environment of residents in Bouwlust, Vrederust, Moerwijk and Ypenburg. By talking to residents from the neighbourhood, the students discovered the wonderful stories of The Hague Southwest. The research results are from spring 2022 and 2023. By means of posters, graphic novels and other visual material, the students take you into the wonderful stories from The Hague Southwest and Ypenburg. This exhibition is in Dutch, English, Turkish and Arabic.

This initiative is possible thanks to cooperation with TU Delft Bouwkunde, LUMC, Hogeschool Leiden, Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest, LetterZDesign, and the Municipality of The Hague.

For more information, go to

Posterwand Haags Gemeentearchief: De kortste geschiedenis Loosduinen

De blekers van Loosduinen de families Van der Beek, Tettero en Giezeman bij het zilveren huwelijksfeest van J. van der Beek en A. Vollebregt, 1900. Fotograaf onbekend.

Loosduinen is een stadsdeel met een eigen karakter en trotse bewoners die zich veelal eerst Loosduiner en daarna pas Hagenaar voelen. Met de tentoonstelling De kortste geschiedenis van Loosduinen in de posterwand van het Haags Gemeentearchief in het Atrium Den Haag die van 19 december t/m 17 februari is te zien, wordt dit authentieke stadsdeel in het zonnetje gezet én laat het de bewoners uit andere stadsdelen die in het Atrium zijn  kennismaken met de rijke geschiedenis van Loosduinen. Op zaterdag 13 & 27 januari en 3 februari 2024 is het Atrium Den Haag gesloten vanwege onderhoud.

100 Jaar Loosduinen
Honderd jaar geleden, in 1923, werd het Westlandse tuindorp Loosduinen deel van de gemeente Den Haag. Het is het stadsdeel van de ‘peenbuikers’ met een eigen karakter en geschiedenis. Loosduinen is ouder dan Den Haag en dé plek van archeologische vondsten van vóór de Romeinse tijd. Ook het oudste, nog bestaande gebouw van Den Haag is in het stadsdeel te vinden.

Deze tentoonstelling De kortste geschiedenis van Loosduinen neemt je mee op een reis door de tijd. We zien hoe het stadsdeel van oudsher veel affiniteit met het Westland heeft; uitgestrekte tuinderijen verzorgden een groot deel van de Haagse voedselvoorziening. Met de industrialisering in de 19e eeuw kwamen de fabrieken, waarvan Vredestein zonder enige twijfel de bekendste is. 

Ook de Loosduinse wasserijen ontbreken niet in de tentoonstelling; ze voorzagen de Hagenaar van schone kleding en beddengoed. Het landelijke karakter zo dicht bij de stad was aanleiding om ziekenhuizen te bouwen voor mensen die psychische zorg nodig hadden en we zien hoe de gezonde zeelucht bij Kijkduin letterlijk verademing bracht bij de vele longpatiënten die in het Zeehospitium verbleven.  

Voor meer informatie, ga naar de website van het Haags Gemeentearchief (Dutch only).

The Hague Sports Awards Nominees

Expositie Haags Sportprijzen 2023

The nominees for the Hague Sports Gala 2023 have been announced. Who will be the sportswoman, sportsman, sports team, sports talent, sports coach and referee of the year? Who will win the prizes this year will be determined by both a professional jury and the residents of The Hague. So your vote counts too! In the run-up to the award ceremony that will take place on Monday December 18, during the Hague Sports Gala, you can vote from November 17 until December 5.

The nominees for the Hague Sports Gala 2023 are:

The Hague sportswoman of the year: 

  • Selma Poutsma – Shorttrack 
  • India Sardjoe – Breakdance 
  • Marit Bouwmeester – Sailing

The Hague sportsman of the year: 

  • Nathan Ake – Soccer 
  • Luuc van Opzeeland – IQFoil
  • Tangui van Schingen – Freerunning

 The Hague sports team of the year: 

  • Hijs Hockey –  Ice Hockey 
  • Bart Lambriex & Floris vd Werken – Sailing 
  • Odile van Aanholt & Annette Duetz – Sailing 

 The Hague sports coach of the year: 

  • Sarina Wiegman – Soccer 
  • Rick Peacock – Sailing 
  • Mark van Swieten – Freerunning 

 The Hague sports talent of the year: 

  • Maud van der Toorn – Boksing 
  • Sjors Lugthart – Road Cycling 
  • Joshua de Lange – Judo 

 The Hague referee of the year: 

  • Ian Small – Touch Rugby 
  • Ralph Stevens – Lokomotief (Basketball) 
  • Peter de Haan – HDS (Hockey) 

Visit the Atrium between November 23 and December 5 to meet the nominees. Scan the QR code and vote for your favorite! 

For more information and for voting, go to (Dutch only).

Believing in Encounters Nativity Scenes in the Atrium

Foto - Broeder Frans Wils in het Stadsklooster - Foto Irina Zhelnina Facebook Stadsklooster

Believing in Encounters
A living nativity scene stood in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague for many years and is still in demand to this day. It brought connection between all faiths and nationalities in the meeting space that is the Atrium of the City Hall. It gave the Atrium foundation the idea to bring the nativity scene back to the Atrium, but this time with a special collection of nativity scenes of Brother Frans Wils, who previously had its place in the Stadsklooster in The Hague. The Atrium will be closed on Christmas Day Monday December 25, 2023, on Boxing Day Tuesday December 26, 2023 and on New Year’s Day Monday January 1, 2024.

His nativity scenes come from all over the world and will be exhibited from December 6, 2023 until Epiphany on January 6, 2024 in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. Bear in mind the guiding principles of de Stadsklooster, this exhibition is also entitled Believing in Encounters. On the 1st Christmas Day Monday December 25, 2023, on the 2nd Christmas Day Tuesday December 26, 2023 and on New Year’s Day Monday Januari 1, 2024 the Atrium is closed.

Tentoonstelling Geloven in Ontmoeting - Kerststallen in het Atrium Den Haag - Foto Mariette Bolhuis-LetterZDesign

Nativity Scene Museum
For years, brother Frans Wils has run his nativity scene museum in the Stadsklooster. He has stopped counting how many nativity scenes he has collected, so he always says there are 1.001. He started collecting more than 35 years ago when he was teaching at the Canisius School in Da Costastraat in The Hague. By showing the nativity scenes, he wants to demonstrate that the Christmas story is universal and that it appeals to almost everyone:

“Nowhere is the story presented more beautifully than in a nativity scene.”
“It’s about peace, connection with each other and connection with yourself.”

Brother Frans Wils has now relinquished most of the nativity scenes and handed them over to the parish of Maria Sterre der Zee. These are kept and partly exhibited in the St. Paschallis Church, Wassenaarseweg in The Hague. He has several nativity scenes displayed in his house and he still regularly receives new ones from all over the world. This special part of his collection can be seen in the exhibition Believing in Encounters in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague.

For more information about Brother Frans Wils’s nativity scenes, go to his
Facebook page Kerststallen Stadsklooster.

Foto - Broeder Frans Wils in het Stadsklooster - Foto Irina Zhelnina Facebook Stadsklooster
Photo – Brother Frans Wils in the City Monatry (Stadsklooster) – Photo Irina Zhelnina Facebook Page Kerststallen Stadsklooster

2023: 800 Years of Nativity 
According to tradition, it was Saint Franciscus of Assisi who created the first living nativity scene, in 1223 in Greccio, Italy. The nativity scene will therefore celebrate its 800th anniversary in 2023. In Greccio there is a cave that reminded Francis of the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which he himself had visited in the Holy Land. In this cave he made a nativity scene, with a real manger as a manger for Jesus, with living figures and a real donkey and an ox to portray the Christmas story as realistically as possible. Small nativity scenes were first recreated in houses around the 18th century.

Photo: Assisi Basilica di San Francesco – Website Ciaotutti

Het Stadsklooster (City Monastery)
The Vincentius Society of The Hague and the Brothers of Maastricht have been working together in the Stadsklooster at Westeinde 101, The Hague for more than one hundred and fifty years. The complex houses the Street Pastorate, various African churches and choirs and cultural activities take place there. Since 2021, the complex has been run by the Christian community Stichting488.

Het Stadsklooster is an open and hospitable house, where everyone is welcome. Especially for people who are looking for new opportunities and inspiration. The complex consists of workplaces, living areas, group rooms, a chapel and a garden. Because of the many possibilities that this complex offers, many different activities are organized in the spiritual, social, educational and cultural fields. For years, more than 100 homeless people have been coming every Friday for a moment of reflection and a meal. Once you step inside from the hustle and bustle of Westeinde, this place offers an oasis of peace in the center of The Hague.

One of the places within the complex where people meet is the Monastery Garden. Activities are regularly organized with and by the neighborhood and students often come to garden and residents of the Middin care institution help with gardening every week. There is room for meditation in a quiet corner of the garden. Here there is a kind of altar for every faith. Because we also believe in encounter in that area, there is even an altar for Somethingism: people who believe that there is ‘something’ between heaven and earth.

This exhibition is a production from Atrium City Hall in cooperation with LetterZDesign.


Stadsklooster Den Haag - Foto website Broeders van Maastricht
Stadsklooster Den Haag – Photo website Broeders van Maastricht.

Through Hardships to the Stars

Fototentoonstelling Door Ontberingen naar de Sterren - Foto Emina.

Young, fled and left everything behind; their world is turned upside down. In the photo exhibition Through Hardships to the Stars – The dreams and values ​​of refugee young people in poetry and photo portraits, which can be seen in the Atrium The Hague from 13 until 24 November, these refugee young people give an insight into their world through impressive, personal and moving stories.The portrait photos of these 21 young people, together with everyone’s history, form a special and moving whole. Their lyrics make an impression, hold up a mirror to you, take you into their lives, their dreams and their doubts. This exhibition was made possible by the Reclame Maken Voor Jezelf foundation and GK Print & Sign.

Stichting Reclame Maken Voor Jezelf, in collaboration with VluchtelingenWerk, Municipality of The Hague and Stichting IMCWeekendschool, presents this project. During this project, the workshop leaders (IMCoaches) and participants (the refugee youth) discussed their personal life stories and their own (core) values. The workshops took place in SoZa (the former Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment) where many refugee people are housed. Here they worked on developing their talent and getting to know themselves. The result of this project are posters and texts in which young people share their personal stories with the public. The core value(s) of the project are: creating an encounter, thinking about citizenship, connecting and pride.

Reclame Maken Voor Jezelf - Emina

Stichting Reclame maken voor jezelf
When Melle Dotinga – founder of the foundation, copywriter, poet and core values ​​expert – developed internal communication for a juvenile justice institution in 2006 – aimed at young people there, the idea arose to encourage them to look at themselves positively. This is how ‘Reclame maken voor jezelf’ was born. A series of lessons that encourages young people to be proud of themselves and boosts their self-image. Writers, poets, spoken word-performers and rappers give the lessons. They know how to encourage young person, so that they feel the positive experience of writing a poem, a rap lyric, a ‘spoken word’. A top photographer portrays every young person and that is also a very special and exciting experience for some. The lessons end with an exhibition in which the photo portraits with texts are shown to the public. This results in great conversations between young people and their parent(s) and other audiences. The RMVJ Foundation teaches in youth care institutions, in special and regular primary and secondary education, in juvenile justice institutions, in various places with young refugees and at IMC Weekend School. In addition, workshops are held with people with mild intellectual disabilities and people with acquired brain damage. The lessons are also popular abroad, such as through the Tika Foundation at a secondary school in Nepal and at Mundo de Talentos in Mexico.

For more information, visit

Orange The World


As part of Orange the World 2023, the international campaign to raise awareness for violence against women, an exhibition can be seen in the Atrium from November 25 until December 4. The exhibition is organized by the Municipality of The Hague and is developed by the app Help For Hope, and french collective Mots et Maux de Femmes, en is supported by Alliance Française La HayeSoroptimist International Club ’s-GravenhageZonta Den Haag 1Zonta aan Zee.

A Smile doesn’t hide the reality of the wounds. Photographer: Coline Stagnitto.

Images and words are exhibited to tell the story of violence against women, to fight against indifference, to raise awareness and to inform for the benefit of victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Logo Expositie Orange the World 2023 in het Atrium Den Haag.

Orange Buildings
The international Orange the World campaign takes place every year from November 25, the International Day against Violence against Women, to December 10, International Human Rights Day. During this period, buildings all over the world are highlighted in orange and exhibitions and other activities take place, such as the exhibition in the Atrium The Hague. This year our niegbours the Central Library will turn orange every evening during Orange the World. The color orange represents a sunrise; the dawn of a future without violence against women and girls. The municipality of The Hague will open the campaign and the exhibition on November 25.

Orange the World
Orange the World is the global campaign against violence against women and girls. The campaign takes place every year from November 25, the International Day against Violence against Women, to December 10, International Human Rights Day. The days in between are the 16 Days of Action. Buildings or other objects are now highlighted in more than 100 countries during this period, such as the City Hall of The Hague. And debates, exhibitions, demonstrations and all kinds of other activities are organized, such as in the Atrium The Hague. Money will also be raised for the Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, the largest global fund to prevent and end violence against women and girls.

For more information about the program, go to

Posterwand Haags Gemeentearchief: Zo Herdenkt Den Haag, Stilstaan bij het Koloniaal- en Slavernijverleden

Kaft Boek Zo herdenkt Den Haag, Stilstaan bij het Koloniaal- en Slavernijverleden. Fotografen: Jassir Jonis, Jurriaan Brobbel, Fleur Beemster, Valerie Kuyper.

Den Haag telt zo’n honderdduizend inwoners die op allerlei manieren de gevolgen van ons koloniale- en slavernijverleden met zich meedragen. Velen van hen staan daarbij stil tijdens herdenking. Er wordt bijvoorbeeld een krans gelegd, debatten georganiseerd, gefeest of een vlag gehesen. Zo kunnen mensen het verhaal van de gemeenschap of de familiegeschiedenis levend houden en verder brengen. In de tentoonstelling Zo Herdenkt Den Haag, Stilstaan bij het Koloniaal- en Slavernijverleden die t/m 16 december in de posterwand van het Haags Gemeentearchief is te zien, laten Hagenaars van verschillende komaf vanuit hun achtergronden zien hoe zij het koloniaal- en slavernijverleden herdenken.

Kaft Boek Zo herdenkt Den Haag, Stilstaan bij het Koloniaal- en Slavernijverleden. Fotografen: Jassir Jonis, Jurriaan Brobbel, Fleur Beemster, Valerie Kuyper.
Kaft Boek Zo herdenkt Den Haag, Stilstaan bij het Koloniaal- en Slavernijverleden. Fotografen: Jassir Jonis, Jurriaan Brobbel, Fleur Beemster, Valerie Kuyper.

De foto’s en interviews zijn gemaakt voor het boek Zo herdenkt Den Haag, stilstaan bij het koloniaal- en slavernijverleden. Het boek verscheen aan het begin van het Herdenkingsjaar Slavernijverleden. Deze fototentoonstelling is een samenwerking tussen gemeente Den Haag, Bibliotheek Den Haag en Stichting Haags Verhaal. De tentoonstelling is alleen in het Nederlands.

Voor de online versie van het boek, ga naar Haags Verhaal.
Voor alle activiteiten van Herdenkingsjaar Slavernijverleden, ga naar

Safety of journalists: The stories behind the faces of women journalists

Foto's Tentoonstelling De verhalen achter de gezichten van vrouwelijke journalisten.

From November 27 until December 15 the exhibition Safety of journalists: The stories behind the faces of women journalists can be seen in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. This exhibition shines a light on brave journalists who give their lives to provide their country with honest and reliable news. Something that is anything but obvious.

Gender-based Violence
Although very high numbers of journalists face (online) violence, women journalists are disproportionately more likely to be targeted. Moreover, the violence they experience is gender-based, meaning it is sexist and misogynistic. The violence can range from receiving hateful messages and threats of rape to actual physical attacks. Besides physical pain, (online) violence against female journalists also causes serious psychological damage such as stress and feelings of isolation resulting in self-censorship. As a result, there is less diversity in the news and essential information cannot reach the wider public, which has a direct impact on press freedom. Who are these women? What are their stories? What inspires them to keep going? This exhibition ”Safety of journalists: The stories behind the faces of women journalists” aims to initiate a conversation among citizens, governments and other stakeholders in the media industry on improving the protection of women journalists. This exhibition shines light on these brave journalists who give their lives to provide their country with truthful and reliable news. Something that is anything but a given.

Guided Tours
On Wednesday December 6 everyone can join a guided tour by organisation Human Rights in the Picture between 4PM and 5PM and on Thursday December 7 between 12PM  and 2PM. Registration is not required. If you are unable to attend, you can also request a tour by sending an email to

This exhibition was created through a collaboration between: Free Press Unlimited, Human Rights in the Picture, Dutch UNESCO Commission and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Logo FPU

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) is an international press freedom organization that makes independent news and information available to everyone by supporting media and journalists worldwide. While many journalists experience (online) violence, women journalists are disproportionately targeted by it. That is why FPU also works to create a safe environment for all women in the media. Their vision is short and to the point: People deserve to know. All over the world.


Human Rights in the Picture is a non-profit organization advocating for human rights through visual storytelling – using film, music, photography and other forms of art to shed light on violations and injustice. By connecting activists and artists, we tell stories to initiate dialogue, foster debate, create awareness and advocate for change. In this photo exhibition, Human Rights in the Picture (HRitP) worked together with photographers who used their camera as a non-violent, creative weapon to stand up for the freedom of expression and the safety of women journalists.

Logo Nederlandse Unesco Commissie

Every country that is a member of UNESCO has a National UNESCO Commission. Since 1947, the Dutch UNESCO Commission has voluntarily used its expertise in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. UNESCO is the UN agency with the mandate to foster freedom of expression and safety of journalists worldwide. Women journalists are specifically targeted by certain forms of violence and attacks against them often have a misogynist or sexist nature. UNESCO in close cooperation with partners, combats online and offline violence against women journalists through different actions including: research for advocacy, policy recommendations, capacity building and awareness raising.

Logo Min BZ

Strengthening freedom of expression, internet freedom and independent journalism worldwide is one of the top priorities of the Netherlands’ foreign policy, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs carry out. The Netherlands supports the independent position of journalists and media organizations worldwide in a variety of ways, with a particular focus on: prevention, protection and prosecution.

Exhibition on Safe Internet Use

Animatie Veilig Internetten.

How can you keep yourself, your children, your finances, and your business safe online? With some tips, it’s easier than you think. From October 11 to October 25, you can find useful tips for safe internet use in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague. The exhibition consists of various examples of situations you may encounter online and provides tips on how to deal with them, as well as what to do if things go wrong.

The exhibition is a collaboration between the Municipality of The Hague and is a Dutch website where you can find tips, tricks, and practical step-by-step explanations on what you can do to stay safe while using the internet. You can find tips on how to protect your online privacy, how to safely use Wi-Fi, what to do and not do on social media, and you can also find explanations on how to help your children stay safe online. This site is intended for anyone with questions about safe internet use. Want to know what Woensdagongehacktdag is? You’ll find the answer at the exhibition in the Atrium. 

For more information, go to

Exhibition Together against Human Trafficking

Week Tegen Mensenhandel. Beeld Meta Menkveld.

Who are at risk of becoming victims and who are the perpetrators of human trafficking? What do police, justice and social workers in the The Hague region do to tackle this problem and help victims? Come to the probing exhibition Together against Human Trafficking in the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague between October 9 and October 20 and hear and see which signs can indicate human trafficking and how you can act on it yourself.

The exhibition is an initiative of GGD Haaglanden and is part of the Hague Week against Human Trafficking.

For the program of The Hague Week Against Human Trafficking, go to

Listen to the podcast series Together against Human Trafficking via 

Photo exhibition Past and Present of Our Eternal Heroes

The photo exhibition Past and Present of Our Eternal Heroes can be seen in the Atrium of the City Hall from October 10 to October 24. The exhibition is organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korean in the Netherlands and De Vereniging Oud Korea Strijders (V.O.K.S.) and is made possible by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. Tis photo exhibition commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Korean War armistice. It also offers an opportunity to see these brave soldiers’ traces throughout the war – to remind ourselves that they were not just young soldiers, but heroes who fought tirelessly to secure the freedom of a country, the Republic of Korea. 

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Korean War armistice. The Netherlands dispatched a total of 5,322 soldiers to the Korean War and they fought together for Korea’s freedom and peace. Thanks to their noble sacrifices, the Republic of Korea, also known as South Korea, was able to protect its freedom, regain peace, and achieve remarkable growth.

In this exhibition, visitors are able to see various aspects of the Netherlands’ participation in the Korean War and view the past and present of the “Eternal Heroes” who defended Korea. A video of interviews with veterans from 22 countries that participated in the Korean War, including the Netherlands, is also on display.

The embassy hopes that everyone will be able to learn more about the Korean War and its veterans through this exhibition.

For more information, go to

Poster call for volunteers. At the beginning of the Korean War, a Dutch detachment was sent to Korea. When the war would last longer than anticipated, the 1st detachment had to be supplemented. That is why posters were hung with a call for new volunteers for the Korean War. These became the so-called Supplementary Detachments (ADs). The 1st Detachment was called 0 AD. This was followed by 27 more ADs from March 1951 to June 1954.
Poster call for volunteers. At the beginning of the Korean War, a Dutch detachment was sent to Korea. When the war would last longer than anticipated, the 1st detachment had to be supplemented. That is why posters were hung with a call for new volunteers for the Korean War. These became the so-called Supplementary Detachments (ADs). The 1st Detachment was called 0 AD. This was followed by 27 more ADs from March 1951 to June 1954.

Photo Exhibition The Week of Accessibility

Week van de Toegankelijkheid. Judith. Slechtziend en afhankelijk van routegeleiding.

The Municipality of The Hague takes part in the national Week of Accessibility which is from October 2 to 7.

In the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague you can see a photo exhibition from October 3 to 6 of fellow citizens who, with the right adaptations or tools, can enjoy life like anyone else. The pictures show very clearly that already many things are well organized,but also show that many things still need to be done. 

For the entire programme of the Week of Accessibility please visit

Week van de Toegankelijkheid. Judith. Slechtziend en afhankelijk van routegeleiding.

Week van de Toegankelijkheid. Michel.

De Betovering: Cartoon Workshop & Guided Tour My Point, Your View

Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa bij zijn Cartoon Kunstwerk Mutation? (Verandering?)

How can you spread a message through drawings? What techniques can you use to make drawings come alive? How can you use art to make people aware of climate change? Kayene is a professional cartoonist from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. On Saturday, October 14, everyone from 9 years old from 1PM to 2PM & from 3PM to 4PM can do a Cartoon Workshop together with the Congolese cartoonist and artist Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa and Kayene will give a special tour of his exhibition My Point, Your View in the Atrium of the City Hall. The workshops are part of the international art festival for young people Festival De Betovering.

Cartoon Artist Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa from Congo
Kayene is in the Netherlands for a short period of time, and this is your chance to visit his exhibition My Point, Your View and follow an interactive workshop with him. Kayene will have material and a first image ready for you to create your own piece of cartooning art, based on your own imagination. He will guide you with all the professional tricks and knowledge he has on how to create a lively cartoon, and how to portray your message with sketches and colours.

The workshop is organized by the human rights organization Justice & Peace. If you would like to participate, send an email to and state your name, age and whether you will attend the workshop from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. or from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. 15 children can participate per workshop. They reserve a spot for you and send a link to pay for the workshop of 7.50 euros per child and then your reservation is final. You can order multiple tickets at the same time.

Logo De Betovering-lpotlood

De Betovering
Festival De Betovering is the international art festival for young people with spectacular performances and workshops at more than 55 locations in and outside The Hague during the autumn break from Friday 13th until Saturday 21st October 2023, the city of Hague will be enchanted again. Children up to 12 years can visit theatre or danceshows or try their hand in one of the numerous workshops. 

For the program, go to

The Regional Housing Fair The Hague

Logo Woonbeurs

On Saturday November 4 from 11AM until 4PM the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague will form the backdrop for the Regional Housing Fair The Hague (De Regionale Woonbeurs Den Haag), the fair with a representative overview of new construction projects. Real estate agents, project developers, corporations and mortgage lenders present their new-build offerings in The Hague and surroundings in almost every price range for properties to buy or to rent.

During the Regionale Woonbeurs Den Haag not only the range in The Hague is presented, but also a representative part of the range in the municipalities around the city. In addition, the visitor can count on a range of free plots on which dream homes can be realized at your own insight. A phenomenon that has become increasingly popular in recent years. And for good reason, because the result is often characterful streets with an enormous diversity of homes, varying from modern to classic and with a lot of creativity in architecture and the use of materials.

Good preparation for your search on the housing market is more than half the battle. Olsthoorn Makelaars and Rabobank will inform you in 30 minutes about how to approach your search for a new home. What are your financial options? Do you opt for an existing home or does new construction suit you more? What are you doing in the field of sustainability? And which facilities are important in your stage of life? They dwell on these kind of questions and many other matters. Of course there is also time to ask questions. Entrance is free, bu you need to registrar via the website of Eventbrite.

For more information, go to

Foto: Woonbeurs Den Haag 2010 in het Atrium Den Haag.

Exhibition My Point, Your View by Artists’ Safe Haven guest Yves Kulondwa

Tentoonstelling My Point, Your View van Artists’ Safe Haven resident Yves Kulondwa

My Point, Your View features the work of cartoonist Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa from DRC. It highlights Yves’ perspective on pressing societal and environmental issues through symbolism with a comedic touch. The exhibition can be seen from October 12 until October 25 in the Atrium of the City Hall. This exhibition is part of Just Peace The Hague.

Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa is a temporary resident in The Hague of the Artists’ Safe Haven initiative by The Hague based human rights organization Justice & Peace Netherlands, the artists are temporarily staying in The Hague. This initiative offers artists who are at risk because of their work  a safe and inspiring space where they can recharge, develop new networks and skills and find support for their cause.

Foto van Yves Kulondwa Kayene
Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa over My Point, Your View
“I am a graduate of Economics, a journalist, and above all a cartoonist artist.

I come from Bukavu, a city in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, ranked the richest country in mineral resources in Africa and 7th in the world. Paradoxically, it is also one of the countries with one of the poorest populations in the world, ranked 143rd out of 197 in terms of literacy.

Add to this a long colonial history, decades of dictatorship, several deadly armed conflicts and widespread corruption.  My passion for justice and equality naturally influenced my talent as an artist and led me to become a cartoonist. I use caricature because it often makes it possible to address sensitive, harsh or taboo subjects in our society with a touch of lightness.

Throughout my career, I have used my sense of observation, my imagination and my pencil to inform, denounce, and give my opinion.

Hence the remark that is often made to me: Why do your drawings usually have this melancholy satirical je ne sais quoi? Well, maybe it’s because the camp on the other side, is constantly trying to sell an overly watered-down image of the situation.”
LinkedIn Yves Kulondwa

Logo Justice & Peace Nederland.
Justice & Peace Netherlands
Justice & Peace Netherlands is a non-profit organization based in The Hague that is dedicated to defending and promoting respect for human rights and social justice, worldwide and in the Netherlands.

De Betovering: Cartoon Workshop & Guided Tour Exhibition
How can you spread a message through drawings? What techniques can you use to make drawings come alive? How can you use art to make people aware of climate change? Kayene is a professional cartoonist from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. On Saturday, October 14, everyone from 9 years old from 1PM to 2PM & from 3PM to 4PM can do a Cartoon Workshop together with the Congolese cartoonist and artist Yves ‘Kayene’ Kulondwa and Kayene will give a special tour of his exhibition My Point, Your View in the Atrium of the City Hall.


Logo De Betovering-lpotlood

This workshop is part of Festival De Betovering, the international art festival for youth with spectacular performances and workshops at more than 55 locations in and outside The Hague during the autumn holidays from Friday 13 to Saturday 21 October 2023.

Just Peace The Hague
The Just Peace organization gives peace and justice an important place in the hearts and actions of residents, entrepreneurs and organizations in the city of Peace & Justice, The Hague.

Logo Just Peace The Hague

Photo exhibition Culture in times of armed conflict

Hazara-vrouwen lopen langs de ruïnes van de antieke boeddha's van Bamiyan in Afghanistan. In maart 2001 verwoestten de taliban de gigantische Boeddha’s uit de 3e eeuw na Christus. Foto: DVIDSHUB/Sgt. Ken Scar via Flickr.

The photo exhibition Culture in times of armed conflict can be seen from September 2 to 29 in the Atrium. The exhibition has been put together by the Dutch Unesco Commission in collaboration with the Koninklijke Landmacht (Royal Netherlands Landarmy). The exhibition focuses on the impact of the destruction of cultural heritage in conflict areas worldwide and was on display at the end of last year at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. This photo exhibition is part of Just Peace The Hague.

Culture in times of armed conflict
Military conflicts have a major impact on societies. Not only because of the enormous human suffering, but also because of the loss of cultural heritage. This unique photo exhibition not only shows the destruction of cultural heritage, but also the great resilience of societies and their efforts to rebuild.

The exhibition features iconic images by major press and documentary photographers such as Richard Peter Sen, Katharine Cooper and André Luís Alves, as well as cultural workers who documented their work on the spot. Special attention is paid to Ukraine, where local volunteers have worked hard in recent months to protect heritage against the disastrous consequences of the Russian invasion.

Heritage in crisis situations
The theme Heritage in crisis situations has been a priority for the Dutch Unesco Commission for ten years. The Commission wants to draw attention to the impact of the destruction of cultural heritage with this exhibition.

Heritage destruction is still used as a weapon of war. At the same time, heritage can be a starting point for peace and reconciliation and the return of heritage is an important step in the post-war recovery of societies.

“The exhibition shows these different aspects and makes it clear why we have to treat our own heritage and that of others with such care. The exhibition supports Unesco’s mission, ‘Peace in the minds of people’,” said Kathleen Ferrier, President of the Unesco Commission.

Logo Unesco

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded in 1945 as a specialized UN agency for education, culture, science and communication. UNESCO’s mandate is to promote understanding among peoples and the free exchange of ideas through cooperation between nations to contribute to global peace and security.

For more information, go to (Dutch only).

Logo Just Peace The Hague

Just Peace The Hague
The Just Peace organization gives peace and justice an important place in the hearts and actions of residents, entrepreneurs and organizations in the city of Peace & Justice, The Hague.

Hâck The Hague

DEN HAAG - Door de gemeente Den Haag wordt er een Hackathon gehouden in het atrium van het Stadhuis aan het Spui. FOTO EN COPYRIGHT HENRIETTE GUEST

In 2023, Hâck The Hague will take place for the 5th time. On Monday, October 2, 2023, 120 hackers will have the opportunity to test the systems of the municipality of The Hague and its suppliers in the Atrium of the City Hall. This event is part of Just Peace The Hague.

The municipality of The Hague has been organizing Hâck The Hague since 2017. Hackers try to penetrate the computer systems of the municipality. For example, they check how digitally secure the systems of the municipality of The Hague are.

During the competition, hackers from the Netherlands and abroad help to discover, assess and solve weak spots in systems. This is important, because online criminals can exploit those vulnerabilities. For example, by breaking into the system and changing or stealing data for criminal activities.

With Hâck The Hague, the municipality wants to improve its digital security even further and ensure that residents, entrepreneurs and the municipality learn more about digital security.

For more information, go to

Logo Just Peace The Hague

Just Peace The Hague
The organization Just Peace gives peace and justice an important place in the hearts and actions of our residents, entrepreneurs, and organizations in the city of Peace & Justice, The Hague.